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MAJOR revision is needed on my part

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Ive been playing like shit lately, and its really pissing me off. The last match I played last night I went 6/28. It was terrible. I think most of it is the fact that Im waaayyyy too reckless. I dont know why, but I always gotta be the guy who goes and tries to fight off anybody. Anyway, ill take any suggestions on what to do. Until I shake this episode off, I might go play with randoms and practice.



Well if you want to play some, I intend on getting online here in a half hour.



I think you do fine in every match I see you playing. If you're going to do what I've been doing, pick Ammo Upgrade if you're a Recon or Engineer (or Ex. Up) unless someone is giving you ammo or there are a lot of assaults in the game. Ammo kits are your lifeline when you play alone; when you have no more ammo, you're dead.



I might go and see a movie or two in bit, but ill be on all night for sure. Im probably not going to be playing with any of you until I start raising my scores/dying less, or when I start Raging too much. Id be happy to party, though.

And I know, I do all of that constantly. My recon skills have been slowly rising, but its like every time I try to go and get something done as assault, I die in 3 steps. Then when confronted by 1 or 2 people, I can never seem to kill them. My best bet lately is the shotgun, because that at least is the one hit kill. Its like I have a magnet, every random shot is drawn to me...



It seems as though my curse has followed you lately. >_>

Yeah, the shotgun will put people down quickly and keep them from pulling BS. Try out all kinds of different weapons until you find "Special of the Day", which is the weapon that works for you. Don't play Medic, unless your team has none, because trust me, you WILL die A LOT more than as an Assault. Remember, as a Recon, treat it almost as if you are hunting the other players. Be quiet and be smart; don't pick fights you most likely won't win.



Also, I would highly recommend not taking the road I've chosen to take while playing games. Don't take it too seriously; it's a bad habit that I can't help and I've had to live with my entire life. I've always been extremely competitive, beating me in a board game when I was in Kindergarten almost became like "Let the Wookiee win".Not playing with your friends because you are angry is a bad idea, and you won't have fun. Trust me.



Thats my biggest problem lately. I can never relax, and let the fight go to someone else. If I see someone, my instinct is to imediately go kill them. And Recon hunting is fun, I do that. Im starting to let people go as Recon. And the first time I started ding medic, I had an average life of about 5 seconds. I still hate medic, It gets me killed too much. As soon as I finish unlocking it, im done. I only put it off for about a month now...
Thats not a bad idea. Im not super competitive unless its actual stuff like paintball, and especially airsoft (I play that alot). I just want a few matches with Randoms to assure myself I can actually start pulling my weight again. Cuz that game last night I didnt do SHIT. 45 minuet game, roughly, and I got 6 fucking kills. That just Rage me to no end.



I had quite a few games where I went really negative too. Randoms are idiots. When I've played with you, you've given me ammo, was fun to talk to (never raged that much or anything), and was helpful. Stick with your friends; you'll be a lot happier. I speak from experience.



Ah, well, you have a point. There are things I have to get done first, though. I kinda remembered that I LOVED the m14 in real life, and It would be nice to get good at it in the game (besides the absolute shit ghost rings...)
sorry about the wait, got to see Scott Pilgrim V the World and Vampires Suck tonight. Both made me lol, actually XD

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