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advice needed

The Adli Corporation
Ron Swanson
Manila Plague
14 posters

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1advice needed Empty advice needed 2011-05-24, 00:28

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

I have a question for all you battlefield vets. What is the best sniper rifle to use for a counter sniper class. The reason I ask is I typically use assault recon but when it's time to counter snipe what works best. I find that I can never settle on what rifle to use so I though I'd ask you guys. My 1st 2nd 3rd ranking is M24, VSS, and the M95.

2advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 00:58



M24 is my favorite, although theyre all essentially the same gun with slightly different sights/drop.

M24 has the best feel to me, but if you can get used to the Sv98's sights & drop, its statistically the best counter-sniper sniper. (platted both of these guns)

3advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 01:02



I kill them with any other class other than sniper,Im not kidding.Any weapon can do it.In Conquest though I would countersnipe with the knife.In Rush the knife is also very effective.If theyre hiding in their spawn then theyre too far away,they cant hit you unless you are still,theyre not even in the game so no worries,avoid them,camp away wookie.But if the game is slow and youre looking for points Ive had alot of fun taking those guys out with slugs on pump action shotguns but only if there's nothing better to do.

4advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 01:06



There are a lot of situations on Rush defense though where using a sniper is not a bad choice.

5advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 01:37



If somebody likes using sniper riffles then go ahead and snipe.Im not knocking it Ive just never found it the best choice.I find counter sniping is easy with all the classes but you arent so restricted the way you are with sniper riffles.Just my oppinion.

6advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 01:51

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Yeah all the bolt actions are reskins with slight differences (outside of a 10 round clip in the SV98) so there isn't a good better best type choice. Actually the M16 or AN94 with a 4x are really effective for most snipers unless they are really far away. Just practice and get better at predicting drop and leading targets.

7advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 02:22



I'm not a big recon player unless it's assault recon, but when I do get into a sniper mood or just need to counter snipe, I always go for the GOL. The look, the feel, the SOUND! AUWGH! *jizz*

Thumbs up

8advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 02:24



I like the GOL the most. Cause it sounds sexy and it has the least "noisy" scope.

9advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 02:30

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

thanks for the feedback

10advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 02:57



I also like the GOL!

11advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 07:15



Yeah the GOL's pretty BA (lolgetit), but I prefer the M24. Simple and effective.

12advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 09:18



Before the nerf the M 16 with Acog was the best anti sniper rifle. I used to get hatemail from snipers when using that thing.

Using Recon I also like the M24. I agree that the feel just seems to be right on it. I feel like I can scope in faster and aquire my target easier.

13advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 11:48

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

M14 + 4x + mag ammo + assualt class

haters gonna hate Very Happy

14advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 12:21



Le Frog wrote:M14 + 4x + mag ammo + assualt class

haters gonna hate Very Happy

I expected this sooner!

This is what i do. I love countr sniping with the m14. sure it may take 3 shots, but if your at long enough range the third shot is already on its way to that silly bushmonkey before the first shot hits.

I also counter snipe with the m16 4x and the assualt rifle mmn ar spec. the rounds don't jump around as much causing medium to long distance accuracy to increase.

Otherwise if i were to use a bolt action it's the m24 with extra ammo and the spotting scope spec. I'm a head shot whore.

15advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-24, 21:18

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i'll have to try that m14 combo.

16advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-25, 11:24

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

its fun.

if you play assualt you have infinite ammo so you can keep really mobile without worrying about staying close to assualt teammates.

17advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-25, 11:26

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i HATE the m14. hate it.

M1A1 all the way.

18advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-25, 11:42



m1a1 is like my most used weapon

19advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-25, 15:09

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i used it a boatload when i first got it and now hardly use it anymore (i prefer the G3)

20advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-25, 15:13



I don't even have the Garand unlocked!!

yet i have 5 kills in about a minute with it...

YAY for kit stealing DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

21advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-25, 15:25

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i use the garand when i want the M14, but need a non-optic spec 1 Very Happy

22advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-25, 15:32



ive seen plenty of people voice their disgust for the irons of the m14. But maybe i'm just part of that small group that doesn't mind the irons. I had just over 1,000 kills with the m14 BEFORE they released the attachment patch.

23advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-25, 15:45

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i dont mind them, but i'd prefer optics or the M1' irons.

24advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-25, 16:27

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I can't use the M14 irons. I lose my targets in them! I will be shooting at someone, and I have to aim left then back right to find where they actually are since the irons are sooo beefy.

25advice needed Empty Re: advice needed 2011-05-25, 17:41



1. an94 lul
2. sv98
3. m95
4. one pissed off sec person who wants dogtags

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