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Well Who's Playing Tonight!?

The Adli Corporation
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1Well Who's Playing Tonight!? Empty Well Who's Playing Tonight!? 2011-01-08, 14:16



I'm stuck at work, bored and got me an itchy trigger finger.
Who's planning on playing BC2 tonight!?



I will tex! I accepted your FR by the way. Very Happy



Maybe we can find that awesome Recon cat again. Fuzzy Python or whatever the hell his name was.



I may or may not be... no promises. We just rented "date night" with stever carel and tina fey. So we may watch that tonight. Plus i'm being hounded through text messages about playing borderlands too!


I'll be on at some point after the football games so sometime after 8pm PST.



texasmace wrote:Maybe we can find that awesome Recon cat again. Fuzzy Python or whatever the hell his name was.

Spacy Python? Yeah that guy was a beast at Squad deathmatch, he averaged like 3 or 4 kills a match.



Hotdamnitssam wrote:
texasmace wrote:Maybe we can find that awesome Recon cat again. Fuzzy Python or whatever the hell his name was.

Spacy Python? Yeah that guy was a beast at Squad deathmatch, he averaged like 3 or 4 kills a match.

LOL @ sarcasm



He was coiled and ready to strike, man! Just coiled four miles from the action.

I'll be looking for you guys. Probably be on the same time Doom is or a little earlier.



I'll be hittin the hay around 11. Gotta get up so i can shoot people in the snow tomorrow.



You doin' airsoft, Tater!? My gun is down...I think I fried the battery.
I have a Double Eagle G3 right now.



Man I wish i was still doing airsoft... I had this sick MP5, 750 rpm, 380 fps. Really quiet too.

Thing is that there were plastic gears, not metal ones, and they got all stripped out, and my baby died Sad



Yeah every first sunday after new years we have an after Xmas game about an hour from here.

Usually turns out around 60-80 people. Which is funny cause all the regs show up (me included) in winter camos face wraps and full gear. The back yard brawlers (kids) show up in hoodies and jeans, shit one year a kid was running around in low top sneakers in 2' of snow! DUMBASS.

I'm not familiar with the double eagle G3.. I have a KWA cqb m4 upgraded it to shoot just under field limits. My autumn/winter loadout\/\/\/\/ minus the helmet and add some white overs.

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Plastic gears zillah? that gun would never survive going through one magazine! maybe it had cheaper softer metal gears! but plastic no f'n way... LOL



Heres a somewhat better pic of my rifle...

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My gun is one of those $60 cheapos. Your rifle is badass! How much is one of those!?
Nice gear and shit, Tater! I bet you have a blast doing that.



I tried paintball years ago but it was too messy and wayyyyyy to expensive... a bag of high quality bbs costs $20 a tube of decent quality paint cost like $100. plus there's ridiculous maintanence costs with PB..

That rifle cost me $243 shipped last xmas. It retails for $260 but they where having a sale and free shipping over $100 dollars. KWA is one of the highest quality airsoft makes out there. They usually specialize in M4 and m16 variants.

Hopefully around tax time i'll be purchasing this beauty! Shoots 400 fps out of the box. I believe it's like $400 +/- but it's range is really good. My current rifle with such a short barrel only hits a man sized target up to 175' this will do that up to 300'. So this m16 will become my woods gun and the current m4 will be my smaller field weapon.

Plus i have this as a side arm with 2 mags. Works off of propane or green gas. shoots about 365 fps.

Well Who's Playing Tonight!? Thumbnail



On topic: I'm probably going to play tonight.

Back off topic: I wish my mother let me play airsoft or paintball. Or at least have a good motherly reason for not letting me play, like "You'll get your eye shot out!".



On topic i'm hopefully gonna play some when i leave work in the next 20 mins...

Off topic the biggest thing i've seen in my last 5 years of playing is peoples teeth getting knocked out or chipped. Granted you will get welts from playing but if you wear enough clothing and a mouth guard you'll be fine. PLUS EVERYONE has to wear full seal eye protection. so the likely hood of you getting shot in the eye is about .01% if your wearing proper eye pro.



Too expensive for this poor draftsmen but DAAAMN nice. When I get that kind of money I usually put it on a rifle or pistol for hunting.

I'm leaving work in twenty minutes too, Tater. Check ya later



Yeah ya really have to, have a desire to play this sport/hobby to spend the kind of money i have on it over the last 5 years.

The team i'm a part of has the same desire i do and we've even gone to a national event a couple of times up at Ft Drum in NY (home of the 10th mtn division).

That's a crazy event... usually alot of guys playing are either active/retired military or LE. It's a good time! goes from Friday-sunday starts around 12noon saturday and you don't stop until 11am sunday..... 23hrs continously within a MOUT facility.

this is an aerial shot of the place.

Well Who's Playing Tonight!? Z

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i was but my dads eating up the bandwidth so xbox cant cope Sad

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I'll be on from now until 2-3 am (GMT)



Always wanted to do the MIL SIM stuff but once I started looking into it the wife freaked out that I would be spending more money on yet another hobby. Very Happy I envy you, Tater!
I just added you, Fox. Always enjoy playing with you in the party.

I won't be on for a while because the kiddies are playing Raging Rabbids on Wii and hogging my gaming time.



That place looks like Nuketown, but with more buildings and surrounded by a forest.



Im 'bout to hop on Battlefield now, I'll send you a FR, Texas.



I might. I've been invaded so I don't know. ><

I remember picking up my friend's little brother after he'd gone a round running wild through the woods with his friends playing airsoft. He had welts all over his face. Looked pretty bad.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I would really love to play airsoft, man.

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