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Damn it the power is out.

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1Damn it the power is out. Empty Damn it the power is out. 2011-01-10, 20:27



The power just went out here because of the ice storm going on.

Posting this from my phone. Mad

2Damn it the power is out. Empty Re: Damn it the power is out. 2011-01-10, 20:34



Awww, that sucks.

Power outage is never fun.

It also is responsible for numerous tech failures that I have suffered throughout my life.

The worst I have experienced was when it happened during my external harddrive being "Cleaned Up", and destroyed it completely, by snapping the header into the rotating magnetic disk. Lost 500Gb (actual combined file sizes) of data.

3Damn it the power is out. Empty Re: Damn it the power is out. 2011-01-10, 20:40



Damn, never had something that bad happen during an outage.

Also, somehow the power came back right when I poted the topic. I expect it to go back out soon.

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