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Games tonight

Epyk MD
Bama Psycho
8 posters

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1Games tonight Empty Games tonight 2011-01-13, 16:41

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Anyone up for some games tonight? It's been a week or so since I've played any BC and would like to get a game going with at least one full squad...I hate playing this game w/ all randoms. I should be online at about 7 CST tonight to play(maybe a little earlier)...I have the Vietnam DLC but will play vanilla BC if we have some that don't have Vietnam. I've got one friend that has agreed to play tonight that some of y'all may have played with before...his GT was TOO Jedi Wolf, now it's Gray Jedi. Also I have plenty of room on my friend's list if anyone that hasn't already added me wants to.

2Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 16:43



What time are you thinking you will be on?

I know Tater aka Godscouchpotatoe used to be PoppaDerp was looking to play tonight.

3Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 16:47



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:What time are you thinking you will be on?

I know Tater aka Godscouchpotatoe used to be PoppaDerp was looking to play tonight.

Lol DL!
1: he said about 7pm CST he'd be on.
2: Bama's already on my FL.
3: I may or may not be on tonight I wanna play but i may be forced to couch surf with the gf.

4Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 16:49



HAHA I didn;t see the 7 thing! HAHA

I was just letting the owrd out that you where potantially lookin to game. Just making connections baby!

Your stats are blank! HAHA

5Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 16:52

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

ill prob be on bama...lets just be on teams this time...or ill get tunnel vision...

6Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 16:53



LOL my stats have been doing that occasionally... IF you saw my sig a few days back I believe i am the "one" I.... am... NEO... chehaw!

7Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 16:57



Hey bama I might be on. If im playing mass effect just shoot me an invite and ill pop in bc2.

8Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 17:03

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I get off work at 6 MST but I will probably play for an hour or two tonight

9Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 17:04

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Sounds good guys. It may take me a few games to get use to the controls again, I've been playing too much CoD lately.

Epyk, sent u a FR.

10Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 17:05



HAHA Yea getting used tot he controls is fun. I also felt like I was walking in slow motion when I came back from BO!

11Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 17:13



I think the controls in movent in BF is far superior to cod. COD feels like your ice skating. BF has realisitc.physics, stuff has weight. Much better imo.

12Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 17:14



Maybe that's why i die so much running across big openings! i'm stuck in COD mentality!!! "I CAN MAKE THIS 100' GAP and noone will shoot me cause i have lght weight and marathon pro!" Ha ha haaaaaaa.

13Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 17:15

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

still revising Sad

ill be free from exams after the 26th though so ill be able to play then.

14Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 17:15



Maybe. WIthout leightweight though I feel like its a bit sluggish. I have always felt like the speed of your guy was just a little too slow.

15Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 18:03



*crawls out of hole*

If you will have me I will partake in the games.

*grabs time conversion chart and goes back in hole*

16Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 18:13



Yeah CoD is sluggish. I was playing WaW the other day and I felt like I was walking on the wrong escalator. The 60fps frame rate just made me feel like I was walking on the wrong escalator covered in crisco.

17Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 21:20

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

DrunkenJawas wrote:*crawls out of hole*

If you will have me I will partake in the games.

*grabs time conversion chart and goes back in hole*
Sent u a FR.

18Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 23:29

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Good games tonight everyone...sorry I left during the middle of a match, but my 360 froze up on me. It's been doing that a lot more often lately, hopefully it's not trying to crap out on me.

19Games tonight Empty Re: Games tonight 2011-01-13, 23:32

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

It woulnt let me join games again today D:

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