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Tonight SeC TEAM games

Bama Psycho
Epyk MD
Manila Plague
12 posters

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1Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-22, 17:07



Tonight i should be on around 6-9pm. Anyone up for some games where we are all on the same team? I am hoping to record some in these. So, pick the class that is your main if possible. I am going to try and run around and get some footage. So, if i am the suck in these games that is why.

2Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-22, 17:26

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i am in but i won't be on till late like usual. (1am)

i'll be playing as recon assault or medic but have no issues playing as any class

3Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-23, 06:29



Well, no one showed that is in the video. So, i am not going to bother with the video. Waste of time. Razz

4Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-23, 06:33

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Razz. We are a rather unorganized lot.

5Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-23, 07:27



Hey Fr0st, I haven't seen you on PC at all. If you've got Fraps, we could get some clips.

6Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-23, 09:47



DAMMUT again..

I was ehem "stuck" watching the 2nd season of stargate universe on netflix all day yesterday as i originally missed it.

and i had a great BC2 friday and saturday run going as well!! WILLIAM SHATNER.

7Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 00:17



Yea, everytime i get on and see if your on, Ante. Your not and its no fun playing by myself. Plus, i would have to set up my router and stuff for my PC to QOS and i have been lazy and didn't want to do it.

I will not record while playing on PC because i have OCD when it comes to the temperature of my computer as it is.

Its all good guys, getting everyone together and trying to get games going isn't going good. So, i am probably going to put up a good moments video again later on. Very Happy

8Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 09:36



AHhh the good ole days where 90% of my online friends would be playing BC2. Not its 1 or 2.... or none at all =o/ *sniffles*

I got on Frost looked for ya..... O wait thats right you deleted me so thats why I couldn;t find ya =op

9Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 09:46



Yeah, no one is on when I have a chance to play lately Sad only had 3 friends online yesterday. You guys suck.

10Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 10:38



I never got on yesterday...

I'll be on the battlefield tonight though.... even if i'm alone!

11Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 10:50



My wife is having people over tonight. I will not be on. You will be sad because you will not have me Tater. Please don;t be to sad though.

12Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 11:16



LOL have fun with the lady friends tonight dl!

I'll be on tonight and not on tomorrow, so if ya wanna play with fame? yeah that's lame, but all the same lets play some games..

13Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 11:17



HAHA I' imagine 'll lock myself in my room and watch a movie or something. Though my PS2 is hooked up in there now and I did play some Starwars Battlefront 2 a few weeks ago and it was fun so maybe..........

14Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 13:06

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

I might try to jump online tonight on's been a long time since I've played it any and I'm sure I'm really rusty.

15Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 13:16

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i will be on tonight to pwn you all with my M95 while khult keeps calling me lame.

16Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 14:53



Khult has no say in calling someone lame....................

Everytime i get on begotngirl-bear. I either just miss you or your not on. Sad

DL your not in the video anyway. Again, you never played with me when you were on my list to begin with. I asked for the people i have listed that was in the video to at least be on so i could get some footage. But, no one showed. I am not going to put effort in this video and no one cooperate well. I have been trying to get footage for months now. So, i give up.

17Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 14:58



THat's alright. I'm just to awesome for ya anyways.

18Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 15:00




19Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 15:01



Yes. It is ok.

20Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 15:07



You would be the last person i would have guessed to be a smartass about nothing, DL.

21Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 15:10



HAHA SOrry Forst. I"m bored. I;m not really trying to troll you. I genuinely think your an alright dude. Been in a pissy mood from gettin gscrewed on a house deal, and bored so I'm not trying to be a smart ass to you. Sometimes I just become an ass.

Debating on whether its worth hooking the xbox up to a SDTV in my bedroom to game with some of yall tonight. SD just dosn;t seem worth it anymore......

22Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty hah. 2011-05-24, 15:26

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Fr0sT wrote:Khult has no say in calling someone lame....................

Everytime i get on begotngirl-bear. I either just miss you or your not on. Sad

DL your not in the video anyway. Again, you never played with me when you were on my list to begin with. I asked for the people i have listed that was in the video to at least be on so i could get some footage. But, no one showed. I am not going to put effort in this video and no one cooperate well. I have been trying to get footage for months now. So, i give up.

23Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 15:36





Great! crappy day gets worse as another friend leaves.... Sad

24Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 15:38

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

he says he'll still play with those he plays with regularly, hes just not feeling the SeC anymore.

25Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 15:40



O my god are you kidding me!! Whatever!

26Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 15:44



Ugh, really? Wtf.

>mfw I see another account suicide.
Tonight SeC TEAM games Ughreally

27Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 16:10



Goddamit Epyk. When are you going to take the suicide button away from users?

28Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 16:18

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Tonight SeC TEAM games 2458268739

i has a sad

29Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 16:24



Nooooooooooooo.... I liked Fr0st. Sad

30Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 16:42

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

*sigh* this is getting to be too much of a circus show with the account suicide. Too bad, I enjoy seeing the gameplay videos, but you have to realize this place isn't ahuge site with all kinds of support. So if your video flies under the radar, or you don't get a huge response from everyone then you have to not let it bother you.

31Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 16:46

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

MR. T wrote:*sigh* this is getting to be too much of a circus show with the account suicide. Too bad, I enjoy seeing the gameplay videos, but you have to realize this place isn't ahuge site with all kinds of support. So if your video flies under the radar, or you don't get a huge response from everyone then you have to not let it bother you.

I couldn't agree with this more. I have too much going on right now with me personally to be able to fully play again. Hell I really don't even have the energy to post, but I make some time to try. I can't play everyday, and it's getting annoying seeing all these topics/posts created by "guest". For me, I just step away from the computer/laptop, and deal with my issues. There's no need for the account suicide.

32Tonight SeC TEAM games Empty Re: Tonight SeC TEAM games 2011-05-24, 21:42

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i'll be on tonight also. where was everyone last night. i had no one to play with Sad

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