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Video concerning BF3

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1Video concerning BF3 Empty Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 02:17



this kinda sums up a lot of what i already knew but anyway, interesting video -

Also, 48 vehicles!?

2Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 02:36



Well, looks like I will be playing this, since it's not PC exclusive.

3Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 02:43



Yeah i was worried that it was going to be.

4Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 02:53



won't support XP


5Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 02:57



ive got OSX - why dont they ever release games on Mac!? Mad (lets not turn this into a pc vs. mac topic)

6Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 03:32



I can hear the Anuses of PC Elitists clintch in anger in a Collective "Noooooo" as the neck beards heard it wasn't a PC only game.

And I Laugh at them.

It also made a funny noise when it happened.

Sounded like Whaaaaa-WHomp!

7Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 12:16



I hate to say this, but that video actually made me lose interest in BF3.

Middle eastern themed... Lame.
Bigger selection of vehicles than weapon? The fuck?
Possibly only 8 maps. Seriously?

I know it's all guesswork, but it did a good job for me as an anti-commercial.

8Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 12:33



Metalzoic wrote:I hate to say this, but that video actually made me lose interest in BF3.

Middle eastern themed... Lame.
Bigger selection of vehicles than weapon? The fuck?
Possibly only 8 maps. Seriously?

I know it's all guesswork, but it did a good job for me as an anti-commercial.

I wouldn't base your interest on pure speculation, man. Wait until shit is actually confirmed by DICE. I seriously doubt there's going to be 48 different vehicles. 8 maps at release isn't that bad, there's probably going to be different game modes with variations of the same maps like BC2 which will help with variety.

Anyone else think that movie belonged on the History channel or something? I think it was the narrator's voice...

9Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 13:03


Eh crappy video. But i am still interested to see what will happen with this.

10Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 13:58

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Not fair D:

Both Gears 3 and Battlefield 3 will be out on the second half of this year. I'm screwed.

11Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 14:02



ante87 wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:I hate to say this, but that video actually made me lose interest in BF3.

Middle eastern themed... Lame.
Bigger selection of vehicles than weapon? The fuck?
Possibly only 8 maps. Seriously?

I know it's all guesswork, but it did a good job for me as an anti-commercial.

I wouldn't base your interest on pure speculation, man. Wait until shit is actually confirmed by DICE. I seriously doubt there's going to be 48 different vehicles. 8 maps at release isn't that bad, there's probably going to be different game modes with variations of the same maps like BC2 which will help with variety.

Anyone else think that movie belonged on the History channel or something? I think it was the narrator's voice...

True, but I can't help it now. That vid dropped my interest quite a bit.

Hopefully when we get some actual preview material it'll get me hyped again. If it really is all middle-eastern themed though, that may completely kill it for me. How fucking bland and boring can you get.

12Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 14:10



It's all about presentation. As long as there's some TRUE urban environments (you know, with buildings more than 3 stories tall) I'll be happy.

13Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 14:28



ante87 wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:I hate to say this, but that video actually made me lose interest in BF3.

Middle eastern themed... Lame.
Bigger selection of vehicles than weapon? The fuck?
Possibly only 8 maps. Seriously?

I know it's all guesswork, but it did a good job for me as an anti-commercial.

I wouldn't base your interest on pure speculation, man. Wait until shit is actually confirmed by DICE. I seriously doubt there's going to be 48 different vehicles. 8 maps at release isn't that bad, there's probably going to be different game modes with variations of the same maps like BC2 which will help with variety.

Yeah the guys voice was pretty lame, plus he said "destructional environments" a couple times.

Anyone else think that movie belonged on the History channel or something? I think it was the narrator's voice...

14Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-16, 15:40



That guy's voice was amazing!

15Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-17, 11:08



Metalzoic wrote:I hate to say this, but that video actually made me lose interest in BF3.

Middle eastern themed... Lame.
Bigger selection of vehicles than weapon? The fuck?
Possibly only 8 maps. Seriously?

I know it's all guesswork, but it did a good job for me as an anti-commercial.

I agree with this!

Less focus on console ports ='s shittier game.
no videos or screen shots ='s nothing amazing expect BF2 with bC2 destruction
EA ='s same crappy service as always, lag lag lag
beta release before oct 12th this year means game release 2012 most likely.

I just wasted 9:16.

16Video concerning BF3 Empty Re: Video concerning BF3 2011-01-17, 13:33



If its any better on PC, and I can handle it, night as well get it for both.

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