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Well, I got a new BC2 video up...

Epyk MD
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I highly suggest getting something to eat, or taking breaks every so often if you decide to watch it, if you are impatient. I wish I could've cut it shorter, but I made a 30 minute match down to 14:55. I put music to it to help keep it interesting. Really sorry that it's that length; I really tried to cut it down the best I could, and I barely got it below YouTube's time. Other than that, I hope you enjoy my Recon match where I went 42-7 and lost today. Now that you know my trade secrets of the lighthouse, I hope you enjoy using them too, but I am NEVER going in there when I'm playing against you guys from now on, because you know my tricks. (Link so you could watch it bigger...if you wanted to for some reason)

If you actually can make it through this, I will fulfill a BC2 video request. Very Happy

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

at any point i read anymore about how much you suck...
im so going to flag your gamefaqs posts






I didn't really think it was super impressive, tbqh. I've done better. And hey, we still DID lose. : / I thought it was a pretty good game though, so I kept it.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

anyway i gotta get some sleep.
get the word out, maybe we can get alot of the others tomorrow.

also anytime you post a new vid in here i can move it under the last video if you like



Alright. Thanks. Smile



DrBob276 wrote:I didn't really think it was super impressive, tbqh. I've done better. And hey, we still DID lose. : / I thought it was a pretty good game though, so I kept it.

You were doing ALL of the work from what I saw. Which reminds me, could I send you a FR bob? I tried to last time we played, but it said you had too many friends, lol. In return I will post another retarded picture.

Well, I got a new BC2 video up... One



Majora1988 wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:I didn't really think it was super impressive, tbqh. I've done better. And hey, we still DID lose. : / I thought it was a pretty good game though, so I kept it.

You were doing ALL of the work from what I saw. Which reminds me, could I send you a FR bob? I tried to last time we played, but it said you had too many friends, lol. In return I will post another retarded picture.

Well, I got a new BC2 video up... One

Lol, wtf?! Alright. When I get online I'll send you a FR.



KItsune that was an awesome vid. Perfect example of a defence recon. Never thought of doing that in the lighthouse. Do I get extra cookies for watching whole thing without sound? My iPod for some reason not to put the sound on despite the volume all the way up.



xsilentshooterx wrote:KItsune that was an awesome vid. Perfect example of a defence recon. Never thought of doing that in the lighthouse. Do I get extra cookies for watching whole thing without sound? My iPod for some reason not to put the sound on despite the volume all the way up.

You didn't even get music?! Yes, good sir you do! I will get you a video request AND I will post the clip of you sniping the helicopter pilot (I decided not to do a montage, because it's too much work, but I kept the video). Yeah, the lighthouse is now off-limits for me vs. GameFAQers, xD But yeah, I've slaughtered 2 squads coming after me at the same time using the windows and such to jump out and sneak behind.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I would have raged alittle at the RKS on the engineer.



Hmm a video request....well I don't rightly know.



Mr. Dr. Awesome wrote:I would have raged alittle at the RKS on the engineer.

My heart rate picked up, but he was a low level and he didn't T-Bag at me or anything; when people pull that card, they get their ass kicked for the rest of the match. I hunt them down mercilessly. I got paid back for it later; I was 2 feet away from the gas containers, they exploded, in addition to me being next to a grenade, and I still survived with a sliver of health, while killing the other guy.



xsilentshooterx wrote:Hmm a video request....well I don't rightly know.

I've been thinking about doing a stealth kills compiliation using SMGs and the knife.



To bad engineers can't have C4, or else you could also sabatage their vehicals. Actually that's my request, either assault or recon with C4 sabataging them.



[quote="xsilentshooterx"]To bad engineers can't have C4, or else you could also sabatage their vehicals. Actually that's my request, either assault or recon with C4 sabataging them. [/quote

Sabotaging with C4? Alright, I'll give it a shot. I might even be able to get the sound file "LIVE FOR THE SWARM!" in there, because I tend to suicidally destroy myself on vehicles with C4. xD

Unless you mean put C4 on the vehicle, then watch them drive away, and deny their dreams. If I was an Engineer, I always could throw AT mines under the vehicles.

I still need to upload the clip of me stuck underneath the destroyed Bradley; people will get a kick out of that.



Ah I forget AT mines. Well then in your stealth I would like that. And a vid of you suicide rushing with C4. If you don't mind.



xsilentshooterx wrote:Ah I forget AT mines. Well then in your stealth I would like that. And a vid of you suicide rushing with C4. If you don't mind.

Alright, I'll do a Saboteur type video; I'll make it in addition to my current stealth kill video; they'll go hand in hand. I have one great one where I'm looking right at a guy, and he walks past me, then I just chase him down, and I knife him as he turns around.



DrBob276 wrote:
xsilentshooterx wrote:Ah I forget AT mines. Well then in your stealth I would like that. And a vid of you suicide rushing with C4. If you don't mind.

Alright, I'll do a Saboteur type video; I'll make it in addition to my current stealth kill video; they'll go hand in hand. I have one great one where I'm looking right at a guy, and he walks past me, then I just chase him down, and I knife him as he turns around.

that's hilarious.



xsilentshooterx wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:
xsilentshooterx wrote:Ah I forget AT mines. Well then in your stealth I would like that. And a vid of you suicide rushing with C4. If you don't mind.

Alright, I'll do a Saboteur type video; I'll make it in addition to my current stealth kill video; they'll go hand in hand. I have one great one where I'm looking right at a guy, and he walks past me, then I just chase him down, and I knife him as he turns around.

that's hilarious.

Yep, I've got 4 new video clips going up on YouTube, it's you sniping a helicopter, bullshit Saiga, getting killed by a "rocket launcher Uzi", and the stealth kill.





ha me snipping that pilot looks funny from your point of veiw.
that saiga was stupid. Did you even get hitmarkers the whole time?
and if you listen you can hear a gustav being shot and a smoke trail when you do but a reloading uzi and killed by uzi.
i gotta buy me one of them uzis, not the kind that uses airsoft BBs



xsilentshooterx wrote:ha me snipping that pilot looks funny from your point of veiw.
that saiga was stupid. Did you even get hitmarkers the whole time?
and if you listen you can hear a gustav being shot and a smoke trail when you do but a reloading uzi and killed by uzi.
i gotta buy me one of them uzis, not the kind that uses airsoft BBs

I know, I have the airsoft Uzi model, instead of the rocket launcher one, but it's kind of expensive to upgrade.

Also, I was laughing on the GameFAQs boards, because someone has SS in their name, and there was a joke when I was with a group of friends, and somebody though of something (I think it was M0nk3y), that the term "SS" meant something I got a good kick out of that.



Did you make "the grin" after you got the knife kill?




Also, I'm half tempted to play BC2 and not record. I have 4 BS knifes recorded now.



I made the grin when he ran past me Stormeye, but I made my noise when I got him. I've actually been really good about being quiet when I get someone's dogtags lately; I save the noise for good knifes.



Im taking a break from BC2 for a while and playing mass effect



I should get Mass Effect, but I have no money Sad



I was surprised by it. I usually dont like games like that but i played the second one first and just bought the first one to know what happened and all.



I tried the second one, and though it was pretty good. Maybe I should play RDR for a while or something; it's the only really non-serious game I've got. I never finished Halo Wars, but I wasn't really enthused by that game.



Halo Wars was disappointment.

Also, it just reinforced RTS is not meant for consoles.

Too bad that my PC sucks so bad right now that I cannot even play SC2...



I have RDR but after i 100% it i got bored. And i accidentally saved with a cheat on(some stupid one, not anything OP)and now i cant get achievements. Luckily i ony needed like 2-3 more single player ones so its no big deal.



I played for a long time on it, but I never went for achivements, I beat the game, then goofed off quite a bit. I would be composing music or something, but I'm not in the mood; I'm typically in the mood to compose in the fall/winter.



Ah i see



Yeah, it's one of my other hobbies. It gives me something to do whenever I'm too angry at games.



I read books when I need to cool down.

God, I sound like an Asian...



I wish i was good at writting music. I have the worse sense of rhythm and no music theory. But when i played guitar i could play a lot of stuff.



I think anybody could become good at it with a little practice.

I used to TA in a library Stormeye; once in 8th grade, and once in 10th. After reading every issue of Field and Stream and Outdoor Life, and every non-fiction book inside of both libraries, I haven't wanted to read for a long time, xD

The music in the background is a my boss battle theme redone. Stupid computer; it took forever to make it relatively loud enough.



i used to read a lot but not anymore



awesome job, the RKS would've pissed me off and the assault that did resuply was an asshole



I think he may have been new, now that I think about it, because he had an AEK with nothing, and looked more confused than anything.



I got a pretty sweet snipe on a blackhawk gunner today. That whole match was veerry similar to the one you posted, at least for the first base. And when I got Ace Pin as recon my entire team decided to go recon too >_>



Shaymojack wrote:I got a pretty sweet snipe on a blackhawk gunner today. That whole match was veerry similar to the one you posted, at least for the first base. And when I got Ace Pin as recon my entire team decided to go recon too >_>

Nice. See, what I've been trying to say though? Anybody can do what I do with a little bit of practice and knowledge. Smile



Yeah, but you're still probably one of the best and a pioneer. xD



Just remember: to have the most success sniping and being stealthy, you have to take a hunter's mentality to be very successful. If you feel nervous, then you become their prey, and they will get you. If you feel focused and ready, lay traps for them, and outsmart them, you become the hunter, and you win.



I never realized how usable the regular sniper scope was in semi-close range combat. Got a lot of nice headshots from reeaal close. I want to play now but I'm watching my sister. D:



I haven't even been online all day today; just not in the mood to play right now really (not mad or anything, just not in the mood)

Yeah, I personallly like the regular sniper scope over the 12x 90% of the time. It's better up close, vs. choppers, and the bullet drop is easier for me to calculate for some reason.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Kitsune I can make a widget to the side that links directly to your youtube page if you like, instead of posting them, its really just a matter of your preference



Really? Alright, that'd be cool. Thanks. Smile



I love your vids Bob, never stop making them...EVER.

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