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*breathes deep* Aaaaaah, I love the smell of freshly picked golden wookie dog tags!

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It's extremely satisfying seeing those golden dog tags pop up, especially when it's from a wookie who has managed to elude your team mates for so long.

Admittedly I was using my squad mates as bait, but it worked out in the end. I was by the US base on panama canal on wookie ridge, when I suddenly heard the "beep beep" from a wookies motion mine, I froze where I was while sitting in a bush myself waiting to see if said wookie would reveal his position. Alas fate did not have it then. Lucky for me my squad mate spawns on me and proceeded to stomp away drawing said wookies attention. after seeing him crumple a few feet in front of me, I discovered that my prey was only a few feet away from me to my left, and I proceeded to casually walk up and knife him. But wait, it got better, apparently his breeding partner was right next to him, and in right of hearing his death wails turned just in time to see me plunging my knife into his face as well.

Flavor text aside, true story right there, and I'm sure plenty of you guys have epic knifing moments as well. To be honest I was surprised to see they were golden tags, 90% of the time I knife a wookie it's either bronze or silver, and to get two in one round? I've never done that before. Needless to say, I wanted to T-bag them, but decided to just leave it at me just walking away with their tags.

please forgive me if it sounds like I'm bragging, I was just all smiles after knifing those damn wookies, figured I'd share. Anyone else just seem to grin or smile when you suddenly see those golden tags roll across your screen?



I'm guessing PS3 isn't having these server issues? I can't find a game 90% of the time and when I do, it's no more than a 4v4. Good timing for me to waste 25 bucks on a new LIVE subscription. Fuck you EA.

Also, grats on bush monster tags.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

First time I've heard of the server issues, but a few nights ago I couldn't get into a game that wasn't lag city, then yesterday I was having problems similar to what you described. Kept getting an error says "Could not find any games, please try again later" or something along those lines and whenever I did find one, i could take two steps without feeling like I was walking around trying to drag two tanks behind me.

And ty, I couldn't help but grin, I know many bush wookies HATE being knifed, I can imagine many high level wookies (the good ones) will also hit the "hunt" button on the person who knifed them.

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