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oh my god, amazing idea for a game..

6 posters

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Dood it could be a REAL shooter with REAL gun physics, Kickback/recoil, mags, physics, sights (like you dont always hit because your sight is directly on the target and if you move your gun while in aim it will sway the front sight and blur it a tad bit). You can reload while sprinting or running but this will add a tiny bit of time to the reload, alternately it could jam your gun which is something rare to happen I would say. If you supply ammo or find supplies your gun will still break if overused in the match (To encourage switching weapons from dead enemies to actually survive and not stick to some gun that could be classed as easy mode).

This is something random I thought of and skill would be needed to be honest. You can't run around with an effing sub machine gun with no kick back at all and run forward while mowing down enemies which means you will need short bursts to keep the weapon down and with a sniper you will need to be more steady and say you move around and shoot like a noscoper pro from CoD, you will go flat on your ass because an intervention will NOT let you stand up while jumping around like a kangaroo.

Although it's a generic FPS, it would be a lot more balanced and tactical. The splash damage would imitate those of real explosions so if you only suffer a bit of damage it could cripple you a bit, lets take legs for example.. You could limp but no longer run and if serious damage is caused but not srs enough to kill you within a few mins you will go into a final stand mode I suppose but you will only get up with half health (Because srsly, getting revived at full health is kinda stupid and a revive thing could have a limit to how many times you can do it to the same person in a period of time.)

Also for the guns and making some guns a tad easier to use there would be a button to alternate the modes from semi automatic to automatic on say the M14. Plus if a knife was included for combat, it would take 2 slashes/stabs from the front or one back stab to kill so it can not be used as a panic weapon.

That would be hard to achieve but it would be like a REAL gun game not some shitty "lol i can run and shoot with no trouble at all and therefore I could use a gun in real life".

Kay thanks, sorry if it isn't understandable, my braind had a spazzum




Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

No offense Boxxy man, but I am a stickler for realism in my games as well. But there comes a time when a game just does not sound like fun due to all the realism.


Sounds good on paper.



I think it would be fun for a singleplayer game, but people would just camp if it was multiplayer.



Look at real war, all people do is camp. Realism =/= fun.



Lol I know, I just got bored. Yeah realism can lead to camping but destruction physics could fix that and so can an explosive. Plus yeah too much realism does end up making the game a little boring and stuff. But real recoil and such would eliminate some bullshit that happens at the least.



It's not even recoil so much as it is the laser accuracy of guns in modern FPS games, it's almost stupid.

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