Ok none of this is automated, so a few mods will probably have to help with the upkeep.
also, iv not played dnd before, but I thought we could make use of its" let the player tell the story" system.
Basically ill make a map of where they start and where they need to get to to survive.
all the supplies they they can choose from at the start of the round. For sake of simplicity the first time they can only hold one weapon.
Then each member. "Arrives" in one part of the map each turn. We would narrate the lay of the map each round.
Say somthing along the lines of...
" The ammo shop's grated iron window was bent and its glass long shattered. The upper half of a zombiefied torso fought in vain to release its deformed head from between two mangled bars, its struggles creating wet plopping sounds as half decayed organs from its chest cavity fell to the sidewalk below. The structure's door stood slightly ajar, propped open by the muzzle end of a disguared shotgun."
Something quick, but iv established that the windows a defensable, the door still intact, there a zombie threat. And there is also a shotgun in view.
Now here's where the member narrates his action "takes steady aim at zombie's head and fires" then rolls the "chance" dice.
bad = -shot misses, hits grating and allows zombie to slide free-
good= shot hits and zombie dies.
or say their action is "walkes to door and picks up shotgun"
rolls chance dice.
good= -Picks up shotgun and notices safe key taped to its stock-
Here I added an extra element to the game. This could open a stock of weapons or ammo, or it could be used in anther area.
bad= -attempts to pick up shotgun gun only find the zombie find corpes of the shop owner clutching the other end, eyes staring up at you-
You get one action per turn and have to roll chance dice each time. Not sure how to keep turns in order...maybe one turn every 8 hours?
Say they action that they look around the back side of the structure for a car, they just added a new element to the game and it keeps it fresh
good= find car, no keys but opened trunk has supplies in it.
bad = no car but hoard of zombies.
As far as zombiesim trying to figure out how to allow them to have actions with out seeming intelligent.
Say.... zombies turn, he's in ammo shop, he actions to seach for humans good he suprises them, bad he falls in well... I know random.
What do you think? Too complicated and not at all what you though?