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XBox 360 dust problems

Cardboard Fox
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1XBox 360 dust problems Empty XBox 360 dust problems 2011-01-27, 15:13

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Recently, my two year old 360 has been taking longer to read discs than usual, and in some cases just gives up on it and displays "Open Tray" where the game should be on the dashboard.

Today, it won't properly read a single disc, instead it goes through the "Reading.." part for a while before showing "Open Tray" again. I've had a look in through the disc tray and the fans at ther back and there is a LOT of dust inside, which I think is causing my problems. Although it could also be that the optic or whatever it is that reads the discs is failing, but I doubt it.

So I ask, does anybody know any good, safe ways to clean the dust from the inside of my 360? The warranty's expired, so opening it up isn't that much of a problem, but it's still something I'd rather not do.


2XBox 360 dust problems Empty Re: XBox 360 dust problems 2011-01-27, 15:15



I've never opened mine but I'd blast it with an air can with the tray open. Don't see how it can hurt. <.< >.>

3XBox 360 dust problems Empty Re: XBox 360 dust problems 2011-01-27, 16:36



yeah this is exactly what happened to my xbox until it just would never read disks anymore. had to go get it fixed.

try putting the disc in with the xbox tilited back, sometimes that would work for me. just be careful the disc doesnt fall off the tray and scratch itself up.

4XBox 360 dust problems Empty Re: XBox 360 dust problems 2011-01-27, 16:38



Used a Can O' Air.

5XBox 360 dust problems Empty Re: XBox 360 dust problems 2011-01-27, 16:51



texasmace wrote:I've never opened mine but I'd blast it with an air can with the tray open. Don't see how it can hurt. <.< >.>

I think I've heard that can make it worse. It doesn't really get rid of the dust just relocates it.

6XBox 360 dust problems Empty Re: XBox 360 dust problems 2011-01-27, 18:42



You might have to open it up to get the dust air. I can't think that spraying it with air while it's still sealed up would do much good. could try vacuuming it.

7XBox 360 dust problems Empty Re: XBox 360 dust problems 2011-01-28, 15:25

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I've attacked it with a vacuum cleaner, which doesn't seem to have done much. I'll probably take it to a shop in town tomorrow and see what they can do.

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