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Why is everyone playing vanilla?

Artimise Flare
The Adli Corporation
Ars Diaboli
Patrick Star
Keyser Söze
12 posters

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Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Well, not everyone, but most of you...

*gives a mean stare at the guilty as charged*

This is the reason why I haven't been joining games and parties, lately. I'm currently playing Vietnam and enjoying it too much to go back to vanilla at the moment.



Vietnam got kind of old quick

Also most of us are playing Red Dead now Very Happy

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I still need to golden my TT-33, or whatever it's called.

Plus, I find Vietnam to be the shit. Hectic battles, man...



It depends whether your a conquest or a Rush buff but Rush is ruined by the community being crap or if they arent Crap the map design completely screws over 1 team


vietnam is fucking stupid. all the aiming skill is gone from the game, vehicles are made out of cardboard, cover is as thick as a wet tissue, and weapon balance is nowhere to be found. so basically it's call of duty.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I've been hearing a lot of bitching about map design, but I just don't see it. I think Vietnam maps are all awesome.


they should put the maps into regular mode because that's the only good thing about vietnam

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I like the thick cover, I like the map design and the weapons and balancing issues are neither here nor there.

I'm loving it...

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

the huey needs a health buff IMO...


i don't like getting shot in the body through 4 walls by an m40 and dying because i only had 99% health left. you can't really argue that weapons in regular mode are *** aside from burst rifles and auto lolbuffshotguns because they totally weren't good enough before right.

they already buffed the huey, it still doesn't last more than a few seconds against an mg34 though

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Towelie wrote:I like the thick cover, I like the map design and the weapons and balancing issues are neither here nor there.

I'm loving it...

Last night I was playing with Lead. I killed 3 guys bunched up with the AK 47 using only 10-15 bullets. All of them aware of me, looking at me, and shooting. You can't do that with say... the M14.

Or the M21 and SVD being a steaming pile of shit.

Or Vantage Point first base being close to impossible for the attackers. Vietnam really needs some tweaking.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Ars Diaboli wrote:
Towelie wrote:I like the thick cover, I like the map design and the weapons and balancing issues are neither here nor there.

I'm loving it...

Last night I was playing with Lead. I killed 3 guys bunched up with the AK 47 using only 10-15 bullets. All of them aware of me, looking at me, and shooting. You can't do that with say... the M14.

Or the M21 and SVD being a steaming pile of shit.

Or Vantage Point first base being close to impossible for the attackers. Vietnam really needs some tweaking.

I'll agree on the SVD and M21. But, everything else hasn't bothered me.

I'm having fun with it the way it is, period.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

because vanilla is kickass.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I only like two maps on Vietnam, phu bai valley and operation Hastings. Those are actual battlefield maps, not port Valdez rehashes. I hate the stupid bottleneck maps, vantage point being the worse. It wouldn't be as bad if you had smoke grenades to at least give you at least some cover when going up those damn hills, but you really only have two or three routes to take in the first place, which is stupid easy to cover. I have not had too much trouble with the AK47 but it does need more spread on auto, I should not be able to snipe with the damn thing.

The buff to damage is unnecessary and I simply just have way more fun playing vanilla than Vietnam. If the patched it and balanced the weapons better, I may consider coming back to it, but as it is now, it was a waste of money, at least for me.


It was a fresh breathe of air dont get me wrong but i just prefer original over vietnam.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i dont play vanilla enough to get bored with it, so im not bothering with vietnam.

plus theres enough variety on vanilla to keep me entertained for a very long time. then theres BF3 coming out this year so ill get that.



It really depends. Most days I prefer Vietnam since R10 essentially ruined regular mode.

And outside of the lolK47 the balance in Vietnam isn't horrific. Its basically the same deal with regular mode - some guns are shit and some aren't; the M14 sucks and so does the MAC-10/SVD/M21.

Since I don't play Recon that doesn't really bother me.



Operation Hastings Rush is horrible there is no cover on the A Charge and the enemies spawn right on top of the thing

Also Phu bai has the same problem with its second base



The enemies on Operation Hastings actually spawn behind the temple...the only really imbalanced base is the third phase of Cao Son Temple.

Even full out steam-roll teams get stopped at that base. There's a narrow flank with no cover leading to the C base in CQ, you can't even flank around the temple from the left or right side as the Attackers. So the Defenders just hide behind the low-lying walls and you never take it.

It makes the first base on Fragtage Point and Mt. Everest on Hill 137 look easy. No bases are challenging on Operation Hastings/Phu Bai because you have vehicles. Specifically the Huey - the Defending team is too busy shooting at it to do anything, and on Thursday they buffed it so now it can actually do something.


is mt everest the first mountain or the second one?



The last base.



Greg ill play nam with you next time were on together. After I beat dead space 2 of course Smile

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Symbolic wrote:Greg ill play nam with you next time were on together. After I beat dead space 2 of course Smile

I'm jealous. I'm still playing Dead Space 1. Can't wait to get the sequel.



@nd Base Phu bai the stupid one doesnt have a Huey



I'll make sure to hit you up for some nam when I see you on greg. I still prefer it myself plus I have the achievements to get.......just hate playing with randies.



Hit me up whenever Greg, 'Nam isn't so bad once you get accustomed to it I think.



Nam is actually fun up until everyone and their ass starts using AKs.

Nobody seems to realize that.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I love Nam, possibly even more then Vanilla.
Think about it, no class but the Recon gets scopes, no motion mines, the heli's are actually shootable(though they need to be stronger then a stack of paper).

I do think the maps need some rebalancing. Like Vantage Point on CQ. They need to open it up wider so that way you can get from base A to C without having to go through B.

But I love it.



How about they get rid of VP, and burn it in a fire.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Marxist Dictator wrote:Nam is actually fun up until everyone and their ass starts using AKs.

Nobody seems to realize that.

After getting gold stars for the SVD and M21, I should be getting blowjobs while using the AK47.

But yeah, that thing is overpowered.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Another thing I like about Nam is how it has some personality.
Vanilla was always too serious...



Nam is fun I don't really have a problem with it, but I just seem to like playing the normal BC2 better. I don't really give a crap about the scope argument. If an assault player has to use a scope to play the game then that means he screws himself out of using a better perk like lightweight. I like the look of regular versus vietnam really. The hazzy look of veitnam bugs me for some reason.



Frostbyrn wrote:@nd Base Phu bai the stupid one doesnt have a Huey

...hold on to the first one? I rarely lose the first helo, even when it didn't have any health.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Marxist Dictator wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:@nd Base Phu bai the stupid one doesnt have a Huey

...hold on to the first one? I rarely lose the first helo, even when it didn't have any health.

I may have read that wrong, but they got more health now?



Yeah, last Thursday.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap much?



Like, 700% or something like that. It has upgraded from a paper bag to a cardboard box.



is pretty neato.

However the Huey is still useless on tank maps because lolmaincannon snipe is too fucking easy in this mode.



Lol i hardly lost it first base either but im not always the one flying

Not to mention ive only played before the buff and on Second base ive seen like 7 people spawn and start shooting at the huey

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