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Treyarch: "Negative Gamers are the gaming industry's biggest problem"

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

To an extent I agree with him. But I have a right to be negative about shit I don't like in my game. Or if there is a big problem with a game when it is released.

How bout you guys?

EDIT: I also laughed when he said "“More and more gamers seem to forget what this industry is all about.
It’s a creative industry – the most creative form of entertainment in
You know, since they actually make a new creative game ever other year

Last edited by Dropped da soap on 2011-02-03, 01:11; edited 1 time in total



Its funny how Treyarch of all people is complaining about preventing creativity.

Really? You don't need whiners for that, you do it all by yourselves.



Gamers are only Negative because of Treyarchs Community Very Happy



Negative gamers are a big problem for other gamers, in my opinion.
But I think that criticism from consumers only drives developers to try harder, and that can't possibly be a bad thing.

The only thing is that the critics (gamers) are overly biased toward certain genres or expect games to live up to the standards of a game that aimed for a completely different goal.

Hell, I didn't like RDR, but I don't romp around the internet bashing people who like it, or talking shit about Rockstar. It's just not my cup of tea.

I think half of the problem is maturity. Most gamers are under twenty. I'm not bashing anyone here by any means, but you see most shit-talking coming from the younger crowd.

The Devs ought to just suck it up and understand it from a younger person's point of view. They shouldn't be getting butt-hurt that some fifteen year old wrote some scathing criticism of their game on the internet. Maybe the language they may have used was overly harsh, but oftentimes they're still making something of a good point. I mean, if there are glitches, exploits, or game-breaking scenarios, who isn't going to raise the issue?

IDK. I guess I see it from both sides.

Games deserve criticism, just like any other form of media. Consumers have a right to voice their opinion if they're unhappy with a product. But who's going to take them seriously if they exaggerate the points they're trying to make, and pepper their critique with angry language?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

there are few games i find almost perfect (LEGO SW2, BC2, Stonghold Crusader) but i think going on a rampage about little things is silly.

yes, if there are glitches and hacks, then make a fuss to change it, but if you get butthurt after getting killed by a gun that hasnt been nerfed, and getting it nerfed, then getting killed by a different gun and repeating it, is not the way forward.

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