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A little disgusted by bullet storm

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y'know, I like some blood and gore once in a while. It's not that bad, but sometimes it goes a little too far. Games like Bulletstorm and Madworld, it seems like the game is about mutilating people as wildly as possible. The gore isn't an extension of the game, it IS the game.

There's a difference between a bloody headshot in call of duty and watching every limb n someone's body fly off as they're pinned to the ground with a powerdrill in bullet storm. It's just a little too brutal for my tastes, and it's kind of disturbing to me that this game is selling itself as so much entertainment from virtually doing all of these nasty things.

I like shooters because they're fun, I try not to focus on the violence aspect or imagining I just killed a real soldier. Violent games are fun and the blood and gore is a natural extension of that. But these new games like splatterhouse, bullet storm, etc. just seem to be gory for the sake of gory. It's starting to become really tasteless and a tad disturbing IMO.



I think Epic just likes to make bloody games. Gears was pretty gory too.



It is gory, and I plan to change the gore and language options when I get the game. I still love the demo, and plan to get Bulletstorm.



Ya that's the good thing about Epic, they usually have an option to turn gore and stuff off.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

it is excessive at times, even in dead space 2

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

gore is good, it adds to the atmosphere or brutality of games like Gears and Dead Space.

but there is a point where you just think 'why... what is this much blood in aid of?' then it just gets stupid.




to be honest, I wasn't fazed by the gore until my wife made a point of mentioning to me about playing in front of our kids. Since it's a game, I can turn off my "realism" thoughts, so I never thought of it till then

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