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Just a question to all of you "Turtles guys".

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Did ya'll ever read the original Eastman and Liard Turtle comics? The ones where the Turtles actually killed? For fucks sake Shredder died the first fucking issue.

God I gotta buy me that set this Friday when I get my check.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

These are the issues I was talking about. Where the turtles killed Shredder in Issue 1, and didn't knock out his soldiers. They killed them.

Unfortunatly these old Mirage TMNT comics are VERRRY hard to obtain. They were printed in a collected Trade Paper Back like 2 years ago, but evne that is going for $200+ plus on Amazon.

Just a question to all of you "Turtles guys". 1438136-shredder_clone_super

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I want those comics...
Give me a specific title. I'm gonna see if I can download them to read.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I can't remember specific title names. All I know is those are some of the first Turtle Comics ever written. But they were owned by Mirage Studios and two gusy with the last names Eastman and Laird created and wrote the original ones.
Can't remember their first names for the life of me. But even by illegal means they are very hard to come by.

Trust me....I have tried.
If you can find them, you had best help me out brother.



Yeah I read those. But as a child I was into the cartoons and movies first.



WOOHOO! I'm gonna be freackin' rich! I really need to dust off my old comic boxes and see what stuff is going for these days.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Man, I love the first turtles movie. I still watch that shit and know the dialogue off by heart.





Wise men say, "Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for a late pizza"



Yeah, I actually owned those comics but lost them when my parents tossed my entire comic collection when I was young.

Those bad-ass originals are why I've never liked any of the TMNT stuff since. Weird how something so violently awesome turned so mainstream Disney.

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