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random randomness

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1random randomness Empty random randomness 2010-09-02, 20:20



So playing today with randoms, I first get in a match on Isla Inocentes, Attackers , I select my class ( I felt like a long distance recon today) see my squad, THREE recons all sitting within a foot of each other, so I decided assault instead. One of them has a mike, and is yelling as loud as he can, " Yeah Baby!, That was 231 marksman. Yeah, 239!!" I guess that had to be it in about a minute, I take out two guys coming right at him, another sneaking behind me, two recons sitting on an island after the first set of Mcoms. Someone kills me, I guess he was to close for my squadmate, respawn on the loud guy, drop him ammo, proceed to the Mcoms, kill guys. Then loud ass starts yelling for ammo, half the map away, I haul my ass back there to shut him up, drop a box (I did get a thank you) go back to the Mcoms and get killed by a sniper. By this point dumb-loud-schmuck hasn't talked a while, so i check the score, see he has something like 700 points, I'm north of that by about 1000, and the rest of my squad when to other classes. we kept getting taken out by a sniper in a good hiding spot, dipshit hasn't moved all match, and hasn't thrown a MM all match, so we lose, and he leaves when we go to defense. I love randoms random randomness Icon_rolleyes

2random randomness Empty Re: random randomness 2010-09-02, 20:22




BTW, I'm not going to move this topic, but you should make another topic in the Rant Category. That place needs this kind of stuff too.

3random randomness Empty Re: random randomness 2010-09-02, 20:25



Sounds like my teammates....EVERY game. And they ALL play like that. Assaults that think they're Recons with infinite ammo, Engineers who think that camping around a corner 2 bases back with an AKS-74u is a great idea, and medics that decide to jerk off in their face and eat is a much better idea than healing and reviving people.

4random randomness Empty Re: random randomness 2010-09-03, 10:47



Sorry, Storm, I'll do that next time.

5random randomness Empty Re: random randomness 2010-09-03, 12:37



ya thats why i only play bc2 with at least one sec'er

6random randomness Empty Re: random randomness 2010-09-03, 12:50



I would have sent him a sarcastic message.

Something along the lines of "OMFG you are soooo awesome at this game with you l337 sniper".

7random randomness Empty Re: random randomness 2010-09-03, 18:16



You've seen when I'm on Hen, not many people are on then.

I thought of saying something, but it just wasn't worth it.

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