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Ron Swanson
Epyk MD
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1work... Empty work... 2011-03-03, 20:10

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Sometimes I think why know?
At least, recently.

2work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 20:14


Sounds kinda depressing but.. We need the money!! If not well then you end up with nothing.

3work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 20:16



I know how you feel lol

4work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 20:29

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I know, I know.
in all rights im just a glorified convenience store manager... no curing cancer, no roclets into spac. Basically a job requiring 3 brain cells to push the shiney buttons and 5 more to the "miscellaneous"
Stocking/ cleaning/ human interaction...

But its so damn infuriating.
People suck, total asses. Im inclinded to believe they are hard wired to be dicks to anyone they think they can get a way with it with.
People suck, complete idiots. Asked my coworker to sweep and mop floors....I look over..he's mopping first..WTF!? I find it hard to believe anyone is that dull-witted...
Ask another to clean windows...uses the bottle with the bigass letters spelling out BLEACH...

I Give up on humanity.

5work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 20:33



Seriously? That is dumb.
One of the things I loved about owning my own business was my ability and willingness to fire someone on the spot for stupidity.

6work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 20:40


Well i am only 19 man so i am not sure if what i say counts for much. Unless you can find another job just do what you can do. I'd think people on a college campus would be somewhat smart but the way you describe it doesn't sound like it.

They keep saying how the economy and the job market aren't all that great maybe it'll improve eventually and you can get something you like/challenging. But no matter how simple the job someone has to do it and we'd lose those little conviences if we didn't have people to do it. That's how i figure it it's always good to aspire to something bigger and better but to take some pride in what your doing as long as it's not immoral.

7work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 20:55

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Its always like this. Its always somthing somthing incrediblely stupid. They are all college students, the future of the America.
Ones a med student (bleach girl) for gods sake..

8work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 21:08

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

After 7 years ( since I was 18) iv about had it

9work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 21:17


You've worked there for 7 years? Damn that is a long time.

10work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 21:22

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I know...imagine all the stupid I've seen.

11work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 21:38

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Epyk stupidity, would you say?

12work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 21:41



try looking for a new job man.

13work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 21:55

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Unfortunately its a little more complicated than finding a new job.
pay/ benifits/ hours...all play a part in it.

14work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 21:56



Epyk wrote:Unfortunately its a little more complicated than finding a new job.
pay/ benifits/ hours...all play a part in it.
Well just look around and when you find something similar or better get yourself fired.

15work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 21:59

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Which would lose me my quater bonus and backlogged vacation time.
alot of variables that have to be weighed.

16work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 22:02



I remember when somebody decided to clean a toilet by pouring a bottle of bleach into it and letting the bleach "soak in"

I wanted to headbutt a brickwall.

17work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 22:02



Epyk wrote:Which would lose me my quater bonus and backlogged vacation time.
alot of variables that have to be weighed.
So what other job do you want to do?

18work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 22:31



Wtf kind of advice is it to give a guy with a family to get his ass canned? scratch

19work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 22:36



Symbolic wrote:Wtf kind of advice is it to give a guy with a family to get his ass canned? scratch
I didn't say that. I said that he should go get a new job once he finds one with similar pay (or more) and benefits that he actually would somewhat like (or at least not dread going to).

Last edited by t-800 on 2011-03-03, 22:44; edited 1 time in total

20work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 22:40

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Honestly, id take a pay cut if I could find somthing with firstday health coverage.

21work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 22:47



im sitting here filling out a job app at the moment.

22work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-03, 22:49



Zillah wrote:im sitting here filling out a job app at the moment.
Dont you have to be 16?

23work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-04, 00:04



Symbolic wrote:Wtf kind of advice is it to give a guy with a family to get his ass canned? scratch

I'll tell you what kind of Advice....Tom Advice. Hold on a sec.

*trademarks Tom advice*
You think I hid something here didn't you.
Now when ever Tom gives advice he has to pay ME!!!! *evil laugh that goes on for some time*

24work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-04, 00:06



t-800 wrote:
Zillah wrote:im sitting here filling out a job app at the moment.
Dont you have to be 16?

thats in just a few days bro

25work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-04, 00:14

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Job searching isn't about logging on to Monster and having a job handed to you Tom. It's extremely difficult to look for a job while having one.

26work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-04, 00:19



Liquid N02 wrote:Job searching isn't about logging on to Monster and having a job handed to you Tom. It's extremely difficult to look for a job while having one.
Did I say it was easy?

27work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-04, 00:21


This is one reason i am afraid to start working more hours at my work.. I don't wanna get caught up in this shithole. Trying to do the college thing too but it's not working out as good as i wanted it too.

28work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-04, 00:36


t-800 wrote:
Liquid N02 wrote:Job searching isn't about logging on to Monster and having a job handed to you Tom. It's extremely difficult to look for a job while having one.
Did I say it was easy?

No, but you implied it. Which is a ridiculous thought in this horrible economy. The dad of someone I know has been unemployed for 2 years, and he's more qualified for jobs than almost anyone. It's not just as easy as you think it is.

29work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-04, 01:06

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Stay with it gil, if your interested in it, go for high demand jobs like buddy makes soooo much money for basically asking if they have turned it off then back on.

30work... Empty Re: work... 2011-03-04, 01:09



Wacco wrote:
t-800 wrote:
Liquid N02 wrote:Job searching isn't about logging on to Monster and having a job handed to you Tom. It's extremely difficult to look for a job while having one.
Did I say it was easy?

No, but you implied it. Which is a ridiculous thought in this horrible economy. The dad of someone I know has been unemployed for 2 years, and he's more qualified for jobs than almost anyone. It's not just as easy as you think it is.

I know but you should always be looking just in case you find something better if you hate your job. But yes the odds are low in this economy.

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