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Work and DA2

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1Work and DA2 Empty Work and DA2 2011-03-15, 20:25

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

= lonely SeC.

How's everyone?
Homefront not doing so well in the rankings hmm?
Think we'll have to wait it out till brink?

2Work and DA2 Empty Re: Work and DA2 2011-03-15, 20:54



Ya I think most people are busy with da2 and or homefront. Me I'm juggling 5 games and working on getting the rest of my warhammer army painted so I'll be posting even less than usual....... except in situations like this when I'm installing yet another game to the cycle.

3Work and DA2 Empty Re: Work and DA2 2011-03-15, 20:58



Games im juggling right now

Dragon age 2
Two worlds 2
God of War 3
Heavy Rain
Danger Joe
The Show 11

4Work and DA2 Empty Re: Work and DA2 2011-03-15, 21:12

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

DA2 is a lot beter than I had hoped, and im a huge fan of the Makers Sigh potions...genius!
most times I don't realize iv been playing for 3+ hours.

5Work and DA2 Empty Re: Work and DA2 2011-03-15, 21:16



Epyk wrote:Homefront not doing so well in the rankings hmm?

That IGN review is one of the dumbest things I have ever read, and I have read all of Michael Moore's books.

Hell they say the same thing in the Killzone 3 recview and it got a 9 or some crap.

6Work and DA2 Empty Re: Work and DA2 2011-03-15, 21:55



The Killzone 3 demo is pretty damn impressive. Took me by suprise.

7Work and DA2 Empty Re: Work and DA2 2011-03-16, 19:47



I'm jealous of Symmy's GoW 3. KRATOS! [cries] Can I come over and play it Sym? It'll only take 16-24 hours for me to drive up that way...

Yisss... I've been playing LOTS of DA2, and spending more time with my boyfriend and my dad. And napping. And working.

...So far I've only ordered an elfroot potion and it doesn't seem to ever be selectable...

8Work and DA2 Empty Re: Work and DA2 2011-03-16, 19:53



Im about to undergo my Deep Roads Expidition. Wish me luck!

Yes just got the ps3 and had to pick up gow3. Its damn epic I must say. Make the drive and ill feed ya!

9Work and DA2 Empty Re: Work and DA2 2011-03-16, 19:59



<.< >.>

Vacation, here I come! Ahahaha.

10Work and DA2 Empty Re: Work and DA2 2011-03-16, 20:15

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

GoW is the one thing I REALLY miss from my PS3 collection. Xbox doesn't have any games on the same platform that can compare.

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