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So it begins...

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1So it begins... Empty So it begins... 2011-03-04, 23:16


The Wii Olympics cometh! Starting with a roster of Wii Resort and into Wii fit, this two day sacrement of the holiest rites of sportitude will prove once and for all who of us is greater, terry or I, The Little One!

The winner will be showered with glory and slendor, whilst the loser be forced to announce their shame and humiliation!

Place your bets now, we'll be posting the results as we go along.

2So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-04, 23:17



My bet goes to Terry.

3So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-04, 23:17




I want to get it for one game, is that a good investment?

4So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-04, 23:18



Ezreal wrote:Wii...

I want to get it for one game, is that a good investment?
Which one?

5So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-04, 23:20



Monster Hunter 3.

6So it begins... Empty The prelims... 2011-03-04, 23:24


Now that we have the motion sensor plus, dogfight in air sports is just now open to us. So Terry and I had a little preliminary match to warm up. And Dani rocked it both times! Alright, I suppose the computer did give me the balloons I needed right at the last second, and I still won despite crashing on the last second. It's a technical win, and those are the best kind.

7So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-04, 23:28


You know terrys a man right? He can't lose.

8So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-04, 23:53



Terry you are so gonna lose. I have read your other posts on this topic and're my bud but she always got you before. Sorry, man.

Monster Hunter Tri...bored me to tears but some may enjoy. Too much work, I already got a job and feed others.

9So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-05, 00:49



My votes for the girl.

Girls always win. Even if they lose, they still win. Just how the world works.

I might have to check out this Wii sportsness, might be something fun for the boy and I. Hopefully more fun than getting pummeled by him all the time. ><

10So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-07, 00:46

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Quick update

we have gone through about 4 events and right now we are deadlocked at 2-2

The littleone won bowling 179-159 and swordfighting (which I think was just a swing the remote rondomly event so meh). while I won an epic table tennis match, best out of 3, 2-6 13-11 7-5. Then there was the 3-point shooting contest...... lets just say I won. Suck it WNBA! Twisted Evil

11So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-07, 00:51



The Terrinator wrote:Quick update

we have gone through about 4 events and right now we are deadlocked at 2-2

The littleone won bowling 179-159 and swordfighting (which I think was just a swing the remote rondomly event so meh). while I won an epic table tennis match, best out of 3, 2-6 13-11 7-5. Then there was the 3-point shooting contest...... lets just say I won. Suck it WNBA! Twisted Evil

WOOHOOO, go terry!

you need a wii sports stats-sig.

12So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-07, 01:14



Sheeps Right

Even if Terry wins the Wiilympics he will lose the War

13So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-07, 01:18


Terry's such a wuss. I totally got a 293 on the soccer ball one and he wouldn't even try to contest it on the grounds that its "gay". You're ***, Terry. You're ***.

events finished tonight include
Hula hoop Terry:241 thelittleone:224
Penguin slide Terry:303 littleone: 279
Dogfight: thelittleone 2-0

Last edited by thelittleone on 2011-03-07, 01:25; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Use of a Banned Word)

14So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-07, 01:20



Sorry Littleone Gay is banned if your not using it to refer to homosexuals

15So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-07, 01:27


whoops sorry! I never even thought about it Embarassed

16So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-07, 01:30



Its all good i completely Agree with your conclusion about Terry Very Happy

17So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-11, 01:12

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Due to conflicting scheduals the Wii Olympics had to take a little break until tonight heres where we are at.

* best of three event
Bowling: thelittleone 179-159
Table Tennis: Terry 2-6, 13-11, 7-5
Swordfighting: thelittleone 2-0
3-point contest: Terry 10-23
Hula-hoop: Terry 241-224
Skiing*: Terry 1:01-1:10
Penguin Slide*: Terry 303-279
remaining events
Snowboarding, Ski Jump, Dogfight, Archery, Power boarding

To be continued...

18So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-11, 01:14



Crap she has to win i have Money riding on it Very Happy

19So it begins... Empty Re: So it begins... 2011-03-11, 01:29


Terry's got me on the ropes, but that just gives me the perfect opportunity for an epic comeback!

Snowboarding: Terry 1:28 -1:31
Ski Jump: Dani 338 - 318
Juggling: Dani 1208 - 1005

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