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My ME1 journey ends and ME2 begins!

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So after playing BC2 with DL/crombie/liquid and Terry for about an hour my internet started to shit out.

So at about 8pm last night i decided to keep playing ME1. Well i beat it! Saren was easier than i expected but maybe that had something to do with me being level 46 with almost everything maxed out. I used Liara (biotic) and Ashley (combat) to finish the have geth have Turian off.

Alls i can say about ME1 is 10/10 in my book! Despite the combat being a little quirky to get used to i thoroughly enjoyed the immersive experience that was this game! So i finished the game watched the credits in their entirety just in case, but nothing happens. Pop in ME2...

I feel quite sad as the normandy is being absolutely obliterated in the first 10 mins of the game! You manage to rescue everyone from the ship minus some engine crew and yourself! You wake up in a spacestation in god knows what system. I then picked my ME1 character as why wouldn't i continue the awesome that was my commander shephard.

I've played the first mission and escaped the experimental space station, thats sole purpose was to bring your character back from the dead (as you had burned up from the normandy's demise. It's been 2 years since the end of ME1 and now I shall embark on my next quest for the stars!



This makes me want to play through them both again. I can never bring myself to pop ME1, though...



MassEffect to me beats out Fallout! I used to absolute love fallout and played FO3 for over 90hrs. i'm 42 hrs into FO: NV but ME1 just does it for me... and the first 10 mins of ME2 already has me drooling! the graphics are more polished and the combat is more fluid.... I almost pulled and all nighter before coming to work, but decided it best to stop at 11:30 last night and i'll continue my journey tonight after work!



We're counting on you, Commander Tater.


btw, I'm playing through ME1 for the XXth time right now. I agree that ME>FO.
I'm prepping another Shepard for the journey through ME3.

I'm kind of jealous that you're playing through ME2 for the first time. Such a badass game. I can't wait for ME3; the trailer makes it look so unbelievably awesome (you shouldn't watch it, yet, though).



LOL crams i never played these games before and i'm kinda pissed i didn't! Yet i did get both games for $7... so i'm thoroughly enjoying them!

After i finish ME2 i'll go back through both games again as a Female character. I like how you can directly import your ME1 character, that alone makes the series a winner for me. Not to mention when you have conversations your character actually talks! VS the silence that is most other rpgs.

Don't tell me anything, but i wanna find liara again as she was my choice in ME1. Hopefully i do...

DAMNIT i wanna be home playing right now!!! No



ME1 would be a 10/10 in my book but

1: Saren was way too easy for any standard.
2: you have to do a bunch of quest missions you already did the first time through to unlock sidequests which makes replaying it really tedious IMO

I think Laira's mom was the hardest fight by far, just because she could cheaply make you float and shoot you like a pinata



Saren: i beat him in mayeb 5-6 mins.

It helped that as i went along i constantly upgraded each npc that i had with the best armor and weapons possible. I would constantly change the ammo they used to match the situation from organic to synthetic.

Benezia was tough! i'll admit i died about 4 times fighting her. Mostly cause she kept sending geth and asari commandos at me. However having my two biotics with me helped tremendously once i figured out how to defeat her.

I became very fluent with upgrading armor weapons and biotic amps whenever i got new stuff then selling off everything i didn't need.

Ashley had at the end of the game

assault rifle with 3 upgrades 20% heat dampining/40% synthetic damage/and some unique upgrade that did 500% heat damage 200% weapon force and -20% heat absorption. her primary assault rifle did w/o upgrades 330 damage 85 accuracy and 65 shots before overheat.

Liara had at the end of the game

Pistol with 3 upgrades 20% heat dampining/35% synthetic damage/and 15% weapon stability Her primary pistol did w/o upgrades 285 damage 35 shots before overheat and 90 accuracy.

My character had at the end of the game

Pistol (as i was an infiltrator class) with 3 upgrades 20% heat dampining/45% synthetic damage/ and 20% weapon stability. My primary was the same as liara's.

Our armor

Ashley: Dmg protection 50 shields 414 biotic protection 26
upgrades x3 shields +120/damage protection 15%/ health recharge 3.0 hp per sec 60% toxic resistance.

liara: Dmg protection 35/shields 240/biotic protection 40
upgrades x3 shields +120/shield regen and recovery 35%/20%/ health recharge like ashleys

Me: Dmg protection 38/shields 414/biotic protection 26
upgrades x3 shield +120/same as liara/same as ashley and liara.

For my last 12 or so hrs of game play i rarely had to use medigels.



I'm playing two games of ME1 right now. One for the level 60 achievement and the other one is a new vanguard character.

I started on Hardcore and i found that the Rogue VI sidequest has aggravated me the most so far. I'm doing Noveria now, so we'll see how I do gainst all those Asari Commando's and Geth.

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