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The Reviews Just... Tanked.

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1The Reviews Just... Tanked. Empty The Reviews Just... Tanked. 2011-03-15, 23:24

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

I was never super excited for this game. In fact, I'm usually never too crazy about new IPs initially. I watched a few MP videos and SP gameplay and I thought "meh, I'm sure these guys are just new."
I was still pretty confident this game was pretty good, holding a respectable 88 metacritic score before release. Now I check the rating, and it's down to like 72. I was very surprised, since not only is a 72 not great, but it was an average 72, which means that the reviews it got were probably bad.
I checked with a lot of websites, and the vast majority say that it really doesn't deliver, which makes me pretty sad. I usually don't trust reviews so much, but when everyone is saying the same thing, I really have to accept that it wasn't just one ignorant, biased website as much as it is unilateral disdain.
I'm disappointed that this game wasn't what it was cracked up to be, and I will not purchase it.
I'm never going to trust pre-release reviews again.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

A little early for that, but I definetly don't hold it up to where BC2 was for me. The movement is a little choppy at times, and the flying vehicles! I've never seen a game with 4 helicopters/drones in the air at the same time. it gets a little cheap on the deaths at times with the vehicles running around everywhere.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I say rent it. It's not that terrible, but there are some glaring imbalances at this time. If you're looking for something different, then yes, it is a little different.

But don't knock it until you've at least tried it, at least that's my take on the matter :-\ who knows, you may just like it.



Yea im glad I cancelled my pre order. Give it some time and see if they smooth some things out( from mace's thread and flare's input.) It all seems to add up to meh. Waiting to hear what DL and OMNI say.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

meh is a good word for it early on. the gameplay can be fun. I enjoyed parts of each match I played but it definetly needs work. I was constantly dropped from games or sat at the searching screen for 5-7 minutes at a time.



This console generation has been really infamous for super-hyped games that end up not delivering (not saying Homefront is one of them, just speaking in general). Anyone remember Prototype or Dark Sector? Both ended up sucking ass that even Madonna (circa the 80's) wouldn't even have touched so I almost never pre-order anything.

Thanks for the info on this game guys. I'll be renting it this coming weekend if it is in at the local rental store.



VictimOfNada wrote:This console generation has been really infamous for super-hyped games that end up not delivering (not saying Homefront is one of them, just speaking in general). Anyone remember Prototype or Dark Sector? Both ended up sucking ass that even Madonna (circa the 80's) wouldn't even have touched so I almost never pre-order anything.

Thanks for the info on this game guys. I'll be renting it this coming weekend if it is in at the local rental store.
prototype was not that bad.



Prototype was hyped?

anyway.....every read those "Opinion pieces" yeah fuck those guys. they suck.



Prototype was pretty much crap

10The Reviews Just... Tanked. Empty Re: The Reviews Just... Tanked. 2011-03-16, 00:44



Meh I've played worse.

11The Reviews Just... Tanked. Empty Re: The Reviews Just... Tanked. 2011-03-16, 00:56



I just remember Prototype on the cover of every magazine and all the articles about how it was going to be huge. It controlled all right but a lot of the concepts and execution didn't work very well at all. Enemy AI felt more broke than Pam Anderson's cooch.

12The Reviews Just... Tanked. Empty Re: The Reviews Just... Tanked. 2011-03-16, 01:04



Yea the end of the game is borderline broken due to horrible ai, and rocket spam from all.directions. It was fun gliding from building tops though

13The Reviews Just... Tanked. Empty Re: The Reviews Just... Tanked. 2011-03-16, 20:16



Yeah, I was excited for homefront, but I started getting those vibes when a hyped game is gonna be somewhat of a flop and decided to not buy it ( since those vibes are usually right ) till it got some SeC approval.

14The Reviews Just... Tanked. Empty Re: The Reviews Just... Tanked. 2011-03-16, 20:22

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I'm going to play some more tonight so I will try to post a quick update, but I wouldn't call the game bad, not yet at least. as I said I enjoyed about 90% of what I got to play last night. The only part I didn't enjoy was my team losing and there being like 4 enemy vehicles in the air at the same time.

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