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Air Force1 beta

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1Air Force1 beta Empty Air Force1 beta 2010-09-22, 16:16



So i finished the beta of my custom forge map and i dont know if i should call it air force anymore. but i had to do many budget cuts to fit it all on there and i may make variants with specific parts of the map. but i dont think ive tagged it becasue my bro was bitching about playing. its mainly for big team battle and dont cmplain about the teleporters becuase some are vehicle only.

i may need help in scheduling a test play with 12 peoples at average

2Air Force1 beta Empty Re: Air Force1 beta 2010-09-24, 05:38

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i looked it over, it seems that the side on the island is going to a bit over powered with all the rocket luanchers

3Air Force1 beta Empty Re: Air Force1 beta 2010-09-24, 16:15



both sides should have rockets

the rockets dont do anything to banshees(the turret) ive found

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