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Game Trailer gives Homefronts story a 5, and uses BLOPs for it's benchmark?!

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

While I enjoyed Black Ops' campaign as much as anyone else (Fight Club much?) giving Homefront' story a 5 out of 10, and then using Black ops and Bioshock 2 as their benchmark for FPS stories?

I was seriously like....

Game Trailer gives Homefronts story a 5, and uses BLOPs for it's benchmark?! Doublefacepalm

On a side note, I do agree with almost everything said in this review, with an exception to the score given to the story itself. But then again, I usually don't listen to the reviews and save my judgment of the game until I've at least rented it. It's interesting to see what some of these sites say. I'd say at least a 6 would have been more appropriate.

Here's a link to the review



What was wrong with blops story. I mean sure it was short and did throw to much epic at you but the twist was pretty cool and almost everyone I knew actually liked it.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I never had Blops but I did have bioshock 2. Pretty decent story in that game, but I would argue the atmosphere had more to do with that game than the actual story



t-800 wrote:What was wrong with blops story. I mean sure it was short and did throw to much epic at you but the twist was pretty cool and almost everyone I knew actually liked it.

If by twist, you mean
I wouldn't exactly that a twist. By the level "Payback", I had mostly figured out what was going on, as did some of my friends.

As for Homefront, the story was pretty good, but god damn it was waaaaaaay too short.

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