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Finally got a chance to really play Homefront. Quick review.

The Adli Corporation
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I finally had the chance to sit down and play a bunch the last 3 days and overall it's really, really fun.
Like others have said it's like all the intense moments of BC2 compressed so you have very little "down time"

It gets knocked a bunch for graphics, but the MP graphics are comparable to BC2. The aliasing is a bit more apparent, however it has more variety and color, buildings are more diverse with more interesting interiors. The gun models, animations and ADSing are much better than BC2 etc...
Sound is pretty good. Better than Black Ops, not as impressive as BC2. I do wish enemy footsteps were louder though.

Not a ton of weapons, but enough to enjoy. Each one seems to have a distinct personality and they all work well in their role. I like the multiple versions of the sights and the fact that each (red, holo, acog) has a different level of zoom making them all useful. I like the camo options too. Grenades are usefull. C4 is great. Rocket launchers are great.

I love that they work on a point system. You can have 5 level 1 perks or a 2 and a 3 etc... I think that's a great way to do it and I really think they should have extended that idea to weapon attachments as well (1pt for a RDS, 2 for a Holo, etc...). The point balance is off a bit though. Tactical reload should probably be 2pts, Graverobber should probably be 1pt etc... I think they could be balanced out better.
The naming of perks is stupid and lacks focus though. In fact the menu setup/design sucks overall...

Ground control is fun and I do like how everyone seems to go for the objective much more than in BC2, but I wish they had kept the Frontlines rules to it. Instead of it just being a tug-of-war domination match I wish once you took 2 (or even 3) of the points you could then push forward to another point deeper into enemy territory etc... Battle Commander mode is pretty cool too.
Capturing a point should really give about 3 times more points than it does now though.

Cool and good variety, but could probably use some tweaks. The Tank and the Apache are so much more powerful than the other vehicles (especially with the auto-repair perk) I think they should cost much more than they do. It also sucks their isn't differing vehicle models per side.
The drones seem good except for the little RC helicopter. That effing thing is a bastard. I think it could use a slower rate of fire or a cost increase to make it less annoying.
I think the airstrikes need a cost increase too because they're constantly incoming. Non-effin' stop.

Actually if the price of airstrikes and high end vehicles were increased by a lot (let's say double what they cost now), but capturing points gave out 600 (or 800) instead of 200 then it would probably even itself out. Only the players going for the objective would be able to afford them. This would probably tone them down a bit, give more incentive to take the objective and players just kill-farming wouldn't be able to afford them.

My big beef with this game.
The control is a lot like BC2. Very stiff with abrupt acceleration/deceleration curves so it lacks any smoothness. What's worse is that raising your sensitivity so you can turn fast also increases your ADS speed. Basically if you want to be able to turn really fast you have to give up slower precision while ADSing. If I go any higher than 1 notch above default I can't even control my aim (by comparison I play CoD at one level above high). This drives me bat-shit fucking insane. I really wish the ADS speed was a gun stat and not an adjustment. At the very least let me adjust the 2 things separately.

Other things: motion while prone is good, but it's a bit to slow when crouched. You don't get stuck on every little rock and pebble like you do in BC2, but trying to jump through a window can be an effin' nightmare. It could really use a "mantle" animation like CoD to fix this.

Holy shit I just wrote a lot. I know tldr... I'll try to make it easier to read.
Overall it's a great game though and I'm really loving it.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

hit me up if you want to play Very Happy

im usually running a silenced M4 with steady aim, ghost, Tac Reload and Q.draw
so much epic. im 47 kills away from expert (200 kills) and then ill switch the M4 for an ACR



I've tried joining you several times with no luck.
Even when your game isn't full and it's joinable it just tells me "there are no slots available".

Same with everyone else I've tried to join. The only person I've been able to play with was Epyk and he actually joined me.

They should have this fixed soon though. The patch is already in for certification.



Glad to see somebody was Man enough to buy it.

If you ever need TheGM advantage(tm) you know where to find me.



I don't think you're on my FR GM.
Shoot me one or I'll send you one later. I'm out of town again until next Sunday though.

I actually bought 2 copies. 1 for the Best Buy camos and another for the Gamestop shotgun.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i love silenced M4 with ghost.

one guy ran right past me on the way to C (on crossroads) so i shot him in the back, knifed his friend an almost killed a guy behind his friend before getting killed.

and yeah, the patch is getting MS'd at the moment. cant wait to have a big SeC match and stomp people, its pretty hit and miss with randoms.



i say us SeC people play with the group i have been playing with this weekend. They are pretty awesome. and together we would destroy.



Wilco Roger that!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

could you get them into the SeC? if they are good guys then we should get them involved Smile



Metalzoic wrote:I don't think you're on my FR GM.
Shoot me one or I'll send you one later. I'm out of town again until next Sunday though.

I actually bought 2 copies. 1 for the Best Buy camos and another for the Gamestop shotgun.

i can has copy? Razz



Sorry man. I sold the 2nd one to my brother for 30 bucks.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

zillah, you need to get this.
i think gamestop are doing low prices to shift all the trade-ins.

most of them will be mint condition or only played once or twice. if y can get it for say $25, with $10 for the battlecode it will be a good deal.


or find a place with HF brand new that needs to shift it and try to haggle:

look on the net for prices, then bring say $5 less than the price in your wallet
(hide extra in a back pocket or something in case this fails.)

then look around for a while in store before asking if they sell HF new
(say you want to get the battlecode inclusive instead of buying MSP for it).

you will get a price and ooh, what a suprise, $5 short. how did that happen wonder...

if they give you a discount to help shift the unsold copies, then go you. if not, tell them you'll try and find a cashpoint/your parents in a street/shop.

then come back about 10 mins later with the money from your back pocket and buy the game Smile



haha, yeah ive done stuff like that before, but i just feel like a bum Smile

anyway, they have homefront used at a gamestop near me for $45, and only $25 if i trade in an old game. i think i might do that



Don't forget if you buy used you'll have to pay $10 for the battle code.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


i traded in reach, fable 3, ODST, Fable 2 and Pure. traded in for 3 month XBL and the leftover i got in cash.

i came back with more money than when i left, although i drank it away the same evening Very Happy



you drunk! damn i just hate selling old games... many memories Sad

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

^ i know, i didn't like letting go of ODST and F2, but i never play them anymore.
and it was justified by a great night Razz

as for fable 3 and Reach, i dont care (got reach for £20, and played F3 a lot already)

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I havew trouble parting with good old games. I still have a big box of SNES/PS1 games that I would NEVER consider selling.



I'm the exact opposite. I don't like owning to many games at once and I trade stuff back in right away.
Many times I've traded games back in that I haven't even played yet.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Dark....get. them. Here.

Msp's bro.

Zoic...can I add it to sec-Gaming?



Epyk wrote:Dark....get. them. Here.

I second this idea.



I will try. They are big on teamwork(that's how we all started playing together). One already has a "clan" so he may not, but im sure I can convince at least one to, one the fact that we have a stoner group alone.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Tell him them we arnt really a clan per-say, more of a social gaming group.



Ya I mentioned it once. But it was in the middle of the game so it was probably droned out by teamwork.



Sure Epyk you can put it there.

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