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I hate working as a "team".

Ars Diaboli
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1I hate working as a "team". Empty I hate working as a "team". 2011-03-29, 00:43

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

My teammates (university) have this tendency to be a bunch of dumbasses that can't do shit on their own. And yet, every single time I have to put up with being asigned to a team.

How useless can they be? Last week I took it upon myself and did a very nice power point presentation for class. Video, sounds, nice looks, short paragraphs to give the main idea, pictures, etc. I could've given the whole explanation very nicely, but alas, it's a "team" job.

The fools went up and read their parts. Bad reading to boot. No explanation whatsoever. They couldn't even fucking read it before class.

This weekend I didn't have the chance to make it, too busy. So one of the team says she'll make it. So, what does she do? Bad spelling, dated info (by 10 fucking years), pixelated pictures, not enough info, walls of text so the other 2 useless guys can stand and read the presentation while not actually knowing crap about what they are saying.

I would kill just to have 1 semester with no teams at all. I can't remember one time in the last 3 years where my team actually did shit.

What the fuck do they want me to do!?! Be beside them all the time and speak sweet things to make them move their asses?
"Oh, come on boy! Do spell correctly!"
"Awww! Who just actually read what we are going to present? Yes, you did! Yeeeees youuuu did!!"
"Here you go little one! Star sticker for you! You did a nice job not being half-assed this time."

My country is a fucked up mess in part because most people are mediocre, like these dipshits.


Now, I'm off to repair a bit of the mess my useless teammate did for the presentation tomorrow. I don't know why I'm doing it though, they'll just read it. Bastards.



You know I would be a great teammate but if you have this many issues I would contact the teacher. Tell them that they did none of the work and did not help at all. Should get them a nice F.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I'm pretty sure most of you guys aren't half-assed like them. These people I've had to put up with in the last 3 years are the Battlefield equivalent of a bush wookiee.

They couldn't shoot a farm if they were inside it.

Yeah, I know. I've told the teachers time and time again: "Can I work alone this?"

"Nope, screw you. When you work, you'll probably work in a team so you must get used to it". There's no point now anyway, we're about to finish the semester and the teacher knows I'm better than them.

Next time, I'll practically beg to work alone.



If you get people you know will screw you over, take the time to edit their sections subtly. Small things that read well on paper, but when said aloud...


I hate working with others... But in HS me and my buddy would take turns with theese types of things if i knew it i'd do it all and he would do a few things to look busy and when the next one came we'd switch.

I haven't had to work in groups in college yet...



Welcome to the real world, my friend, where this is an everyday occurance in almost every job you will ever have for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. Not only coleagues though, no no no, you'll also have other employees stealing your ideas as well as your boss('s) taking credit for your back breaking labor.



I always get stuck in a group like that in my English class... I'm a freaking sophomore in an English 4 class and yet I'm the one stuck doing all the work for everyone, the teacher acknowledges it but doesn't bother to put me with people who aren't idiots because she knows the people I'm stuck with will fail otherwise.



Im usually the slacker of the group, but i did a project that i presented today with 2 other people. I think I did about %70 of it, and the people i was working with didnt really do their part. =/

oh well

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Start bitch-slappin' them into submission.

10I hate working as a "team". Empty Re: I hate working as a "team". 2011-04-08, 08:15

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

I found a team of people that are much like us. Just not on forum websites. Lol

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