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Attn Terry May!!!!!!!

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1Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 10:44



I was not ignorin ya buddy! I was only able to be on for a few games yesterday so thats why I did not join ya man! My life has been crazy as this week we are trying to get a contract signed and all the other joys of buying this house.

2Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 11:47

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

No prob man. I figured as much, so no worries there. I just saw dark sayin that he has had good luck lately with joining people and playing together so I though I would give it a shot.

3Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 11:51



I think I am busy tonight but Friday night my wife is going out with her girlfriends and I am watching one of the ladies daughters, which means all the girls just play upstairs while I play vid games! HAHA So I'll be on Friday night if you want to try and play.

Man I started using the second SMG with a silencer and that thing is a baest! been using it in GC games when I am capping point!

4Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 11:57

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Super v is a pretty good gun I use it a lot on tight levels. I will be moving tonight, the cable guy will be around tomorrow to move the interwebz to the new house so no Homefront for terry tonight Sad

5Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 11:58



Naw man I was sayin I'll be busy tonight and prob tommorow but will be playing on Friday night.

6Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 12:27

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


i saw your KDR was .93 and i was determined to get mine higher as a personal challenge.

just got to 0.93 and yours had gone up to .95 Evil or Very Mad

on a lighter note, i'm now halfway through rank 39 and soon will unlock teh T3AK Smile

7Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 12:29



I was over 1 but using that damn m16 killed me.........

The ACR is now ma baby and I go posative with that so I am slowely building back up.

8Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 12:35

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah, its annoying you have to get 100 kills before the ACOG. havent even got the Holo scope, i gave up after realising how badly it fits with my playstyle Razz

i have expert'd the M4 and have less than 50 kills until i expert the ACR.

i have an airstrike class:

sniper (im going to swap it to M16)
WP, Hellfire (switching hellfire to clusterbomb when at 44)
penny pincher

does boomer/shockwave affect airstrikes, or only rockets, grenades and drones?

9Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 12:41



I tried joining you day before yesterday DL and it just won't let me. Same with Terry. I really hope the patch fixes this because SeC Homefront would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

The Super V is one of my favorites DL.
The T3AK is now my number one mostest favoritistist. I love that thing. I unlocked it yesterday and went from a 1.03 to a 1.15. Something about it (and the SV) just clicks perfectly with me.

The last unlock is fun to use too, but I'm better with the AK.

10Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 12:46

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the ACR ACOG with steady aim is so beast Smile

ive only used the ironsight T3AK in the campaign, but found one lying around on MP. i fired a few shots then reloaded, but 2 guys came round the corner an shot me before it reloaded.

if i hadn't switched it with my ACR ACOG i could have dropped them Rolling Eyes

11Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 12:50



I can't use Acog sights.
Not once, in any FPS, have I ever been able to effectively aim with one. Me using an acog is the same as me saying "I think I'll just die repeatedly this round while missing every single enemy I shoot at."

I really don't know how you guys can use it.

The Holo in this game is great because it has a bit of zoom. The RDS is great because it doesn't. I use the RDS and smg's and the shotgun (another gun I love) and the Holo on all the rifles (unless I'm using another attachment I mean...)

12Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 13:04

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i think the mk3 ACOG is the easiest to use since it has the inner 'HUD' white crosshairs, the white box around the white crosshairs, and the black lens crosshairs.

if you are looking at a black background, the white crosshairs and box show up, an if you look at a light background like the sky, then the black ones show up.

the other ACOGs are not as good with light/dark, and the crosshairs tend to disappear Razz

13Attn Terry May!!!!!!! Empty Re: Attn Terry May!!!!!!! 2011-03-30, 19:20



Hey DL do you have to stop playing if you hear someone yell "Pillow Fight" Upstairs?

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