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Who would have thought the end of the world could be so beautiful?

The Adli Corporation
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Keyser Söze
10 posters

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Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Amazing. I shed a tear. I always find that there is something beautiful in destruction.



That happened to me once.

Once our solar system starts dipping back into the galactic plane again we're screwed. We'll eventually get nailed by a huge asteroid or another star or solar system.

And you know what? We start that 60 million year round-trip next year... 2012 baby. YEAH!

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Kalei2418 wrote:Amazing. I shed a tear. I always find that there is something beautiful in destruction.

Me too, but I think that Pink Floyd song made that video what it is...

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Jack Torrance wrote:
Kalei2418 wrote:Amazing. I shed a tear. I always find that there is something beautiful in destruction.

Me too, but I think that Pink Floyd song made that video what it is...

I thought that was Pink Floyd, but yeah, that did help make the video that much more awesome.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Kind of makes me wish for the end...

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

do you know who i am... IM THE ACROPOLIS BITCH!

it dont take no shit from no punkass asteroid.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I thought you were Big Ben.

And tallness is a Big Hen.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

no im bad brit (to sheep), snuffy (to frosty) or addli (to tex)

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

You just don't even know what you are...



Hmmm, i kinda doubt that any building would still be standing after a shockwave of that magnitude.



Jack Torrance wrote:
Kalei2418 wrote:Amazing. I shed a tear. I always find that there is something beautiful in destruction.

Me too, but I think that Pink Floyd song made that video what it is...

Absolutely. I can't think of anything else that would've fit as well.



1:55 ...




yeah, maybe the pyramids would stand but not the other stuff. anyone got any reasoning to the firestorm? is it like all of earths oxygen lighting on fire?



1fnbighen wrote:yeah, maybe the pyramids would stand but not the other stuff. anyone got any reasoning to the firestorm? is it like all of earths oxygen lighting on fire?

I think it's the Magma being spilled onto the surface because of the torn up crust.



perhaps. either way im pretty sure humans would survive somhow

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Pink Floyd makes just about any video badass. Try it. Get stoned, and watch any random nonsense and listen to some Floyd. Your welcome



I dont know... an asteroid that looked to be about 300 - 500 miles wide would deal a lot of damage. The planet would be reduced to a molten fire pit.

I think many sorts of bacteria and other unicellular organisms would hang on, but humans... doubtful.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't think there would be a whole lot of bacteria that would survive something like that. Molten rock pretty well kills anything it touches, and besides an explosion like that would destroy the atmosphere. Leaving no oxygen, and exposing everythin to the vacuum of space.



idk man. first off we would have the prevention to try and stop the asteroid first.

then you have bunkers with the right stuff (liquid nitrogen, sustainable food supply, structural integrety) a deep ass bunker could stand a chance

space stations could just plain avoid the damn thing

the moon and mars are our last hope if the others dont work



Yeah it depends how much notice you had.
I guess you could nuke the shit out of it in the hope that its path would change.
I think that even in a space station though, the amount of debris thrown into space would take you out.

Colonies on the moon/mars would be the best bet. sad thought



anyone else notic at the end it appear to directly hit china? or is my judement off?

also an antigravity bunker would work so long as the shock wave doesnt screw it up. if you suspend a chamber in a room with no oxygen by use of magnets that are made of a metal that doesnt melt easy. strange thought but so is an asteroid impact



1fnbighen wrote:idk man. first off we would have the prevention to try and stop the asteroid first.

then you have bunkers with the right stuff (liquid nitrogen, sustainable food supply, structural integrety) a deep ass bunker could stand a chance

space stations could just plain avoid the damn thing

the moon and mars are our last hope if the others dont work

Wishful thinking.

Go read up on it. An asteroid only 1/50th the size of the one in that video (10km) could wipe out almost all life on earth and take the planet millions of years to recover from.
10km is the estimated size of the K–T extinction event that (theoretically) wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

One 500km in size? Forget it. It wouldn't matter. No bunker would save you. If you were in a space station you'd be just as dead as if you were on the ground. If you see one coming, get your ass to the moon man.



1fnbighen wrote:anyone else notic at the end it appear to directly hit china? or is my judement off?

also an antigravity bunker would work so long as the shock wave doesnt screw it up. if you suspend a chamber in a room with no oxygen by use of magnets that are made of a metal that doesnt melt easy. strange thought but so is an asteroid impact

You just have to remember that the Earth's crust is folding over itself, with the only thing laying underneath being the magma.



It seems to me like an asteroid that size hitting Earth would be like someone getting shot by a hollow point round right in the stomach... It'd be just as much of a mess on the inside as the outside. You'd be crushed by the shifting of the crust no matter how deep/where you are in a bunker.

Stuff like this is interesting, but none of us will have to worry about it in our lifetime... hopefully. I've always suspected we're gonna get railed by a gamma ray burst. Quick and painless at least.



Zillah wrote:
1fnbighen wrote:anyone else notic at the end it appear to directly hit china? or is my judement off?

also an antigravity bunker would work so long as the shock wave doesnt screw it up. if you suspend a chamber in a room with no oxygen by use of magnets that are made of a metal that doesnt melt easy. strange thought but so is an asteroid impact

You just have to remember that the Earth's crust is folding over itself, with the only thing laying underneath being the magma.

Yeah, but even without that you're dead. Even if your bunker survives an impact event the equivalent of several million/billion nukes going off all at once. Survives the shockwave. Survives the nuclear firestorm. Survive the tidal waves. Survive the constant earthquakes worldwide. You're still dead.

Debris from the impact will come back down all over the planet igniting fires everywhere.
The earth will be in darkness for years due to the ash in the sky.
Plant-life that survives impact will start to die off quickly in the darkness.
O2 levels drop as plant-life worldwide dies.
CO2 Levels rise like crazy as half (or more) of the planet rages in an inferno.
As photosynthesis stops the food chain breaks down.
The ozone layer will be mostly burnt away leaving us exposed to direct radiation.
Worldwide acid rain the strength of car battery acid.
Fresh water sources worldwide will be poisoned.

This is what happens when an asteroid only 2km hits the earth. Now DPP, multiply that by 200 and tell me your plan to survive...



I'd No Sell it.



TheGM wrote:I'd No Sell it.

No sell it? scratch

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