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Wow that sucks

Captain Pirate Pineapple
Ron Swanson
Honey Badger
8 posters

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1Wow that sucks Empty Wow that sucks 2011-04-07, 16:31

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Well i was talking to a girl and we had a mutal like for eachother (i know that sounded so dumb) but she texts me this morning with some guy in her signature and her facebook says their dating.

Thats cool i guess. lol

2Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-07, 16:33


Give it a few weeks.

3Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-07, 16:34

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

chunckylover53 wrote:Give it a few weeks.

haha word. But do i mention enoguh we both live in P.A?

4Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-07, 16:35

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Your still young. Don't get too caught up on this girl or the relationship shes in. Chances are things will change in one or both catagories before too long. so just hang in there

5Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-07, 16:36

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Yeah, most people don't notice Facebook. I've seen it a lot. Also, I live in PA too!

6Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-07, 16:37

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

I just decided we need a group thats for people from P.A!!!!!

7Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 00:11



There's a girl who (according to my friends who say she's told them) has a thing for me and keeps flirting around with me, but as far as I can tell she's still with another guy even though my friends also say she broke it off with him a while ago. Confusing as hell. >_>

8Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 00:14


Oh yeah i forgot we both are... Nice i think there was a few others aswel.
What area you in? I am in philly.

9Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 00:15



Ive had a thing for this girl at my school for like a year and a half. ive pretty much just been hiding it, but she's been flirty recently which is exciting

And i guess her, her friend and i are doing something after school tomorrow (ive never been with her outside of school before), so im excited Very Happy

hope things go alright.

10Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 00:20


I'd say this i just got out of highschool last year and from what i can tell hardly any relationships last from it most people are imature and young so people aren't interested for long i really don't know anyone from highschool thats still with the girl they met there but theese weren't exactly the best people.

I really didn't like that many girls in highschool i mean yeah some were pretty hot but a lot of them were whores and i am not trying to catach anything.

11Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 00:24



yeah youre definitely right chuncky, i mean this isnt like the love of my life, just a crush ive had for a long time.

Theres been lots of 5-10 second gazing-at-each-other sessions in the middle of class lately.

12Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 00:27



This thread is full of cute and funny.

Kids. lol

13Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 00:28



xD Hopefully there aren't that many people in high school that think that a relationship now is the most important thing ever. But a quick look at my facebook friends tells me otherwise haha.

14Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 00:34


lol shaymo yeah that happens a lot i remember my buddy was showing me something on his phone and over his contacts there was someone named "My sexy lover". I was like whos that? "OH man this awesome chick shes the best etc etc"

-week later-

so whats up with that woman? "things didn't work out"

15Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 00:36



Shaymojack wrote:xD Hopefully there aren't that many people in high school that think that a relationship now is the most important thing ever. But a quick look at my facebook friends tells me otherwise haha.
I think that 95% percent only care about a relationship while 4% say they don't can't get a girlfriend. Then there is the 1% that really do not care at all.

16Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 00:37



The thing i hate about realtionships at my age...

friend - "Oh my god i think im in love, she is so perfect!"

friend 1 week later "GOOD LORD IMMA KILL THAT BITCH!"

I mean come on, do you really always have to end up hating the girl/boy after you split up? EVEY SINGLE TIME? its way too common.


17Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 00:39



Zillah wrote:The thing i hate about realtionships at my age...

friend - "Oh my god i think im in love, she is so perfect!"

friend 1 week later "GOOD LORD IMMA KILL THAT BITCH!"

I mean come on, do you really always have to end up hating the girl/boy after you split up? EVEY SINGLE TIME? its way too common.


they mad lol.

18Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 01:06


Zillah wrote:The thing i hate about realtionships at my age...

friend - "Oh my god i think im in love, she is so perfect!"

friend 1 week later "GOOD LORD IMMA KILL THAT BITCH!"

I mean come on, do you really always have to end up hating the girl/boy after you split up? EVEY SINGLE TIME? its way too common.


So true... But it's usually from an arguement over something dumb of course just be careful of whom you get involved with in all seriousness i knew a few girls who have been with over 10 guys now i don't know if they banged them all and i wouldn't be surprised if they did. If you do choose to get all mushy with someone make sure it's a smart mature girl. I am pretty happy now i have a smart mature older woman now. Funny thing is shes only ever had 2 bf's married once but got a divorce (cheating husband) . But i find it funny because shes 28 yet shes only had 2, While others one i've know were 18 and had 10+

19Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 01:10



Wow, 28?
playyyaaahhhhh, haha.

tbh, teenage girls in general just are kinda hard to have a realtionship with. Self absorbed and often times like making a lot of drama. Im not saying theyre all like that though

20Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 01:18


Just like some teenage males aswel. And lol yeah i never thought i'd be with an older woman but wow she just really surprised me she is awesome.

21Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 08:26

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

chunckylover53 wrote:Oh yeah i forgot we both are... Nice i think there was a few others aswel.
What area you in? I am in philly.

About a hour away from there. Lancaster County, where all the Amish people are. No, I'm not Amish. Yes the place smells like shit year round.

22Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 08:31

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Kalei2418 wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:Oh yeah i forgot we both are... Nice i think there was a few others aswel.
What area you in? I am in philly.

About a hour away from there. Lancaster County, where all the Amish people are. No, I'm not Amish. Yes the place smells like shit year round.

A white Russian drinking Amish that can't sit up straight?

Could be...

23Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 08:32

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

You live in lancaster? Im not far then. I live in Bradford. I get donuts from the amish

24Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 08:34

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze


Hold the phone a minute.

The Amish make donuts?

25Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 08:37

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Yes!!!! They are the best fucking donuts in the world! I think. But they are as big as your head and are really good!

26Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 08:55


Kalei2418 wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:Oh yeah i forgot we both are... Nice i think there was a few others aswel.
What area you in? I am in philly.

About a hour away from there. Lancaster County, where all the Amish people are. No, I'm not Amish. Yes the place smells like shit year round.

I'd imagine with all the horses that sucks man lol.

27Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 10:24



ive been to an Amish community before...

i thought it was pretty weird tbh.

28Wow that sucks Empty Re: Wow that sucks 2011-04-08, 11:11

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Yeah, I love and hate the area I live in. It smells because of all the farms spreading shit, but when it doesn't smell, it's nice because it's a lot of open fields, and well I love my Jeep. Twisted Evil

Jack Torrance wrote:A white Russian drinking Amish that can't sit up straight?
Could be...

LIES! Or slander. Not sure which one, but both!

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