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Anybody still play Left 4 Dead 2?

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I wonder when they're gonna make L4D3,I heard they delayed it awhile cuz the poor people were crying a river they were making L4D every year,but nobody seems to cry that much about COD... -___-

anyways,lol,anybody still play L4D2?I can borrow the original from my bro,but prefer the second very much.

I've been needing new stuff to play,so I've picked up a few used games lol

I don't have any of the dlc yet for it,dunno if it's worth it really =/



I will play the demo with you.



I have L4D 1 and 2. I haven't played them in a while though. I don't have the DLC either so I couldn't tell you if they are worth it or not. Anything that gives you more to play on that game has to be a good thing though.

If you want to play, hit me with a game request. I'm usually just watching NetFlix being bored anyways so I almost always stop that and throw in the game when I get requests.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


yes. Very Happy
havent played it for a while but ive still got the disk and im ok at it.

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