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Turns out

Air Supremacy
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1Turns out Empty Turns out 2011-04-11, 16:34

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Everybody on my moms side of my family has a genetic thing that makes us shake. Sometimes its bad sometimes its not. I thought something was wrong so i asked her lol.
My uncle and my grandma are the worst. Im pretty bad though Razz

2Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-11, 18:25



That's weird. Hopefully it's nothing too serious.

3Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-11, 18:27



You should go to a gene doctor and see what gene causes this.

4Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-11, 19:52

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i have the same thing in my family can't hold my hands still for shit, there goes being a surgeon Sad

5Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-11, 21:47



Oh no Shaking what a horrible genetic condition to be passed down /sarcasm

6Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-11, 22:32

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Well, it's sure as hell a lot better than having autism in the family.

7Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-11, 23:36


shaking? You mean parkinsons?(sp?)

8Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 00:24



Can you still use an etcha sketch?

9Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 00:28



Frostbyrn wrote:Oh no Shaking what a horrible genetic condition to be passed down /sarcasm

kinda would be if it was bad
off the top of my head, hard to write, fix stuff, hold filled glasses, aim, be careful, motion sensative phones, etc

10Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 00:32



1fnbighen wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Oh no Shaking what a horrible genetic condition to be passed down /sarcasm

kinda would be if it was bad
off the top of my head, hard to write, fix stuff, hold filled glasses, aim, be careful, motion sensative phones, etc

and most importantly.. video gamezz!

11Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 00:35


Powdered Toast Man wrote:Well, it's sure as hell a lot better than having autism in the family.

That sucks too i have the lightest form of it but it does effect me some.

12Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 03:05



You know what runs in my Family?


Literally theres a Genetic Disease that makes them grow on your Nervous system and it runs in my family

13Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 04:02



Diabetic and Muscular Dystrophy run in my family. Hints why i workout and eat right all the time. Wrestling is just another motivation. Very Happy

I currently have LD and ADHD.

14Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 04:08



I has the Aspergers. And was misdiagnosed with ADHD and givin Ritalin which fucked me up till I was 17-18. I'm finally getting over it. I should sue the doctor.

15Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 04:40



Yea, i took Ritalin for about a year. I hated it, so i learned to control myself and got off of it. But, it has its disadvantages. Laughing

16Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 09:46

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Heart disease and cancer here.

17Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 09:49



All sorts of cancer runs in my family. 2 of 5 of my dad's siblings have died from it, 1 has/had leukemia, both his parents died from it. My gandma's has no boobies, and my mom always has lumps in her. So excited. ><

What the hell is LD Fr0st-ibuns?

18Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 12:35



sheep wrote:All sorts of cancer runs in my family. 2 of 5 of my dad's siblings have died from it, 1 has/had leukemia, both his parents died from it. My gandma's has no boobies, and my mom always has lumps in her. So excited. ><

What the hell is LD Fr0st-ibuns?

I think it means learning disabilities.

The only thing that runs in my family is diabetus.

19Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 13:29



Iron Man wrote:I has the Aspergers. And was misdiagnosed with ADHD and givin Ritalin which fucked me up till I was 17-18. I'm finally getting over it. I should sue the doctor.

Woah, how would they not know for that many years that it wasn't ADHD? Ritalin works like speed for people who don't have it...

Only major thing that runs in my family that I know of is rheumatoid arthritis which would suck. I think it's a lot more common in women though so hopefully I'm good on that.

20Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 21:41

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

My family has the douche gene. I suffer greatly for it Sad

21Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-12, 21:59



Ars Diaboli wrote:My family has the douche gene. I suffer greatly for it Sad
Mine suffers greatly from the rage and asshole genes. I have the asshole one bad.

22Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-13, 02:10

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

t-800 wrote:Mine suffers greatly from the rage and asshole genes. I have the asshole one bad.

*high fives!*

It's just so much fun being an ass sometimes.

I do it with no malice, I swear!

23Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-13, 08:08

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

'Tis one of the greatest joys in life to be a major dick at times.

24Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-13, 08:12



Im never an Asshole

*Starts Fishing for Greeks with C4 while simultaneously stealing their AT mines with a gratch*

25Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-13, 08:19

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

No, you're a cunt...

26Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-13, 08:22



Jack Torrance wrote:No, you're a cunt...

Well... at least they're fun to eat.

27Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-13, 08:28

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

True for the most part, but it really depends.

28Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-13, 09:29



The green ones can't be good...

29Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-13, 12:35

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Avoid like the black plague.

30Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-13, 12:55



Hows the old addidge go...?

If it smells like fish, eat all you wish. If it smells like cologne, leave it alone.


31Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-13, 13:15


Tater wrote:Hows the old addidge go...?

If it smells like fish, eat all you wish. If it smells like cologne, leave it alone.


Ugh after reading that i 2nd the *barf*

32Turns out Empty Re: Turns out 2011-04-13, 16:41

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Lol its not Parkinsons and my grandma went to a gene doctor.

It does suck to live with cause when im typing this right now my fingers slip off to another key. Just annoying.

But! My family has cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Hasnt happened in a while but you never know.

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