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Whelp. Looks like I'm going in the Army

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I was planning on going into the Marines, but the way I graduated, which was Life Skills classroom, which I was told that could get me in. Would not work. Even though everyone around me said it would. Goddamn my life.



train for the tough stuff. Rangers or GB. that'll open up more doors for you after your 4yrs or whatever your doing. Their harder to get in and i do believe you must already have done a tour before trying out, but again it opens up more job opportunities when you decide to leave the army.

I know someone that's an active navy seal, and he's got the major government branches trying to recruit him. he's just about to finish his 10th year in the sand box.


Did you take the ASVAB (is that right?) yet? I got mid-130's across the board on it.

The Army wasn't bad when I was in it. I actually prefer it over the Marines but that's because I have two friends that went into the Marines. One went to Falluja (again, correct spellin?) and came back with hardcore PTSD. The other came back just before that crap started and he just wasn't the same. Don't get me wrong, I respect what the Marines are and what they do... I just don't like seeing friends get that messed up.



I have noticed a major diference in friends that have gone into the Marines versus the Army.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

*agrees with the two posts above*

My brother went into the Marines like 10 years ago. Came out messed up as hell. Another friend went into the Army and has done like 4 tours so far. He is/was a Ranger. Haven't talked to him in some time, but I know he was stationed in Texas recently. Just had his second kid, so I don't know if he's going to do anymore tours. Also my other brother is in the Army Reserves currently over in the sand somewhere. I think he said he's going to Qatar. I don't know, I just know I sent him a package that had a sand castle making kit in it. He called me a bastard.


The Marines are some hardcore shit. They're on a whole 'nother level of discipline than I ever could imagine. My friend told me about basic on Paris Island (yet again, is that the right spelling? It's been a couple years since I have used any military knowledge). No thanks. It's some scary shit.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Kalei2418 wrote:Also my other brother is in the Army Reserves currently over in the sand somewhere. I think he said he's going to Qatar. I don't know, I just know I sent him a package that had a sand castle making kit in it. He called me a bastard.




Alot of the differences between the USMC and ARMY come from what each branch is designated to do.

the marines are the main assaulting force. (go in and kill almost everything). that definitely can fuck with your head as the casualty rates are higher.

the army is the main occupying force. (go in and patrol/hold this area) for a prolonged amount of time.

there's also distinct differences in quality of gear and tech available to the differnet branches. Usually the marines have less newer small arms and less vehicle support. the army is given all the better quality gear and the tank and air support.

all this may be wrong too as i was never in the service and i greatly respect anyone that was. I'm just going off what i've heard from active/retired marines and army vets. all friends that have been over seas since 9/11.

Good luck whatever you do Grey!!



I have the disaprin for it. Just that damn HS thing. And I took the ASVAB a year or two ago and scored a 76 without studying.



I might just try for Delta if I can.



not too bad i suppose. considering my brothers friend went and after studying scored like 100. and was trying to get into the coast guard. i heard the recruiter say to him,, "maybe the marines are a better place for you." WOW...

he re-took the test a few weeks later and scored much higher. he's currently a reservist in the coast guard.



No. It was a score base of 76 out of 100. I don't know the individual values.



Hey man just don't be an asshole with the tank. Heard they can kick you out for that.



Oh. I'm planning on going to Ft. Knox for Armor. Soooo.



I want to join the airforce and become a mechanical/engineering apprentice at a base working on planes and other equipment. I figure after that i would then go to college, or continue on in the airforce depending on how things go.

any of you guys ever had any experience in the USAF?

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

my brother went to basic for the marines he got discharged though because he broke his ankle while on a hike he said it was the hardest shit he had ever done and he's a pretty fit guy



I honestly dont think i'd make it in the marines



Most wouldn't



Just getting through basic training would be so hard.

stickin to the technical stuff...

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