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This made my day!

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1This made my day! Empty This made my day! 2011-04-17, 00:57



So day before yesterday I'm in some neighborhood talking to some guy I've never met before.
Somehow the conversation takes a turn and he starts talking about how much he likes his new cell phone and he says to me:

"I can even fly my drone with this phone"

And I say "What drone?"

The dude just starts walking to his garage so I follow him and when we get there he busts out a Parrot drone! Just like the one in Homefront and the video below.

He sets it down, Pulls out his phone which shows a drones eye view through the camera and on-screen controls and starts flying the thing around his street. The camera on it will take photos or record video (a peeping toms dream come true).

Totally tripped me out and was the last thing I expected to see that day. Especially since I was flying one in a videogame just a few hours before. The dude was pretty shocked that I knew what it was.

Was a weird coincidence.

Here's a vid of one for those of you that don't know what it is.

2This made my day! Empty Re: This made my day! 2011-04-17, 01:05



I want one!

That's neat. I didn't think you'd be able to get your hands on something like that. Also kind of creepy that people can get their hands on something like that. I will take none in my neighborhood thank you. lol

3This made my day! Empty Re: This made my day! 2011-04-17, 01:07



After seeing one in action it's all I want for Christmas this year. Very cool.
He said it was about 300 or 400 dollars. He couldn't remember exactly.

4This made my day! Empty Re: This made my day! 2011-04-17, 01:12



Ive been trying to build a drone with a camera on it.. real tough

thats awesome though, i would have so much fun with one of those Twisted Evil

5This made my day! Empty Re: This made my day! 2011-04-17, 08:37

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

too damn cool. shame they are so expensive Sad

6This made my day! Empty Re: This made my day! 2011-04-17, 11:45


Wow lol that's cool and weird some random guy you met was showing you all this O.o.

7This made my day! Empty Re: This made my day! 2011-04-17, 12:23



That looks awesome, I need to get one of those.

~$400 actually sounds pretty reasonable for how high tech that thing is.

8This made my day! Empty Re: This made my day! 2011-04-17, 13:25



chunckylover53 wrote:Wow lol that's cool and weird some random guy you met was showing you all this O.o.

Yeah, it was bizarre.

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