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Movie Topic (Quotes, discussions, etc)

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Crimson Exitus
Keyser Söze
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Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I have, didn't care much for it.

"But it has electrolytes."



HAvent Seen it Gryphon whats it about


A Mike Judge film about a guy who goes to the future and society has gotten extremely stupid.

Last edited by D_Gryphon on 2010-08-29, 01:04; edited 1 time in total



Oh i have seen that then lol

Why are all our Crops dying well your bassically watering them with Powerade lol


LOL yeah.



And the Time Machine actually turns out to be a Ride lol




They should Put Brawndo in Toilets because its got what Shit craves...Elctrolytes

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze


Ahh, I'm happy and shamed to say that I own that movie lol.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

It's awesome!

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Strange that both of these demented films hail from New Zealand...
Whadya know?


Death To Smoochy 2002

Death To Smoochy is a dark comedy directed by Danny DeVito. It stars Robin Williams as Rainbow Randolph, a popular host of a children's show who on behind the scenes is a boozing, drug using scumbag. Once Randolph gets busted for taking bribes by parents to get their kid on a show his life comes crashing down. With the loss of their biggest star the network scrambles to find a suitable replacement and get lucky when they find out about a down to earth, health conscious eco-friendly man named Sheldon Mopes (played by Edward Norton) who volunteers at a methadone clinic playing guitar in a home made rhino costume and goes by the name of Smoochie.

The movie follows the simultaneous ascent and descent of Mopes and Randolph with hilarious results. Much like the title of the movie suggests Randolph is willing to go to extreme means to have his revenge against Smoochy. Williams was great in this film. This was right around this time he started playing darker characters and this role was a perfect way to break his family friendly typecasting. Throughout the film he does everything he can to sabotage Mopes and reclaim his glory as the king of children's programming.

Norton on the other hand had recently Done American History X and Fight Club so it was great to see his playing a gentle naive character who has morals and would compromise himself when it can to the popularity he was gaining as Smoochy. There are some good scenes where he refused to endorse products because they weren't healthy as well as battling with his show producer (played by Catherine Keener) for creative control of his show.

Devito also plays Mopes agent in this film and as always he puts forth a pretty funny performance while not taking the show away from the stars.

Jon Stewart also shows up a few scenes that are pretty funny as he plays the role of Randolph's one-time business associate who no longer can be seen in public with him due to the scandal that surrounds Randolph.

This movie didn't do so well in the theater's but it has a pretty decent cult following and any fan of dark comedies should give it a watch. Some genuinely hilarious moments in this film.

Bastard Son of Barney! Die! Die, stuffed ball of fluff! Illegitimate
Teletubbie! Die, you Muppet from hell! Die, you foam motherfucker!


Discuss dammit! Movie Topic (Quotes, discussions, etc) - Page 2 Icon_mad

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I remember liking it, nothing more.

I just finished watching this, I rather enjoyed, although I found it slow starting.


Deep Rising (1998)

This one is near and dear to me. B-Movie god Treat Williams stars in this awesome sci-fi/horror flick directed by Stephen Sommers (The Mummy, The Mummy Returns). Williams plays Finnegan, a for-hire seaman that is tasked with the job of transporting a group of men to an undisclosed place out to sea. Unbeknownest to him and his crew (Kevin J. O'Connor and Una Damon), they are a group or mercenaries that plan on boarding and hijacking a luxury liner on it's maiden voyage. To make matters worse they've brought along some torpedoes they they plan on using to destroy the ship.

Little do they know, someone (or something heh heh) has gotten to the ship first leaving it mostly abandoned save for a few scattered survivors. One of the survivor's is a shady con-woman named Trillian that is played by the hotness known as Famke Janssen.

As the movie progresses the group discovers some pretty grisly stuff. It soon becomes clear that they are dealing with a creature from the depths of the sea that devours it's prey and various gruesome manners including pulling a woman through a toilet.

As the main characters are picked off one by one, Finnegan takes matters into his own hands and single handedly saves the day with some out of this world heroics that will have you lol'ng at the ridiculousness of it all.

For a 20 year old movie this effect hold up incredibly well imo and even rivals some stuff that's out today including Sommer's most recent work GI Joe: ROTC. Gross out moments, comedy, badassery it's all here and is worth a watch. I really like this movie because it kind of plays out like a video game including a huge boss fight at the end lol.

Now what?



I thought Brain Dead was pretty good especially the lawnmower scene.

I still say it's one of the weirdest movies I have ever seen.

Last edited by Voltaire823 on 2010-09-02, 17:47; edited 1 time in total


Yeah I'll second the weird part. It was a cool movie, but it was really, well weird.



Damn it I give up on trying to embed videos.


Here ya go.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze




Something like that would never work in real life unless you were in New Zealand where apparently the blades are made much sharper and can cut through human bones like they were nothing.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I'm sure Frosty has some bogus explanation.


Hey Voltaire823, what steps are you taking to embed videos?



Well I've tried the embed on youtube and also the [youtube] thing when posting and neither gave me the right result.



1) Post reply
2) Enter youtube link into the youtube box thingy
3)Hit OK
4) DONT preview just hit send and it should work.

Give it a shot.

Also editing posts that have vids in them may mess them up causing them not to display.





Huh weird... Thanks for the help.


No problemo, your friendly neighborhood ModNazi (Epyk can I change this?) is here to assist you.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Wow, a helpful Nazi...


One of my favorite movie endings.



Braindead was great.

Ok Doomsday... Deep Rising added to my Netflix Que. Just for you man.


Event Horizon (1997)

Paul W.S. Anderson ( Resident Evil, AVP: Alien vs. Predator) directs this genre-bending trip through Hell. Event Horizon is about an intergalatic rescue crew that embarks on a mission to locate the lost space vessel Event Horizon. It features a pretty strong cast headlined by Laurence Fishburne and Sam Neill)

Fishburne plays Captain Miller, the captain of the Lewis and Clark, who leads a crew of interesting men and women each with their own special set of talents. Neill plays Dr. William Weir the designer of the Event Horizon who has decided to tag along with the crew much to the chagrin of the crew.

It's unknown why Dr. Weir wants to tag along at first but as the movie progresses it becomes clear that he isn't being as honest with the crew as he should be. The Event Horizon had some technology on it that allowed it to created a black hole that would allow it to travel long distances in a short amount of time. Of course something went wrong on it's maiden voyage and it ended taking the ship to another dimension before it returned.

Once the ship is located the crew boards it and looks for survivors, they discover some pretty ghastly things while experiencing some strange phenomena on the way.

If I had to use one word to describe this movie it would be "Atmosphere". Anderson does a great job creating a creepy, foreboding setting that will leave you on the edge of your seat. It also includes some pretty freaky and gory imagery that you won't soon forget. Fun fact about this film is that it was actually toned down considerably due to test audiences not being able to handle it. The footage has allegedly been destroyed (this came out before deleted scenes were popular), so we'll never be able to see it. Bummer.

There are some great camera shots in this movie and you can tell a lot of effort went into every second of this film. he special effects are good as well and I feel they hold up pretty good.

The entire cast does a great job filling in all of the stereotypical types of characters you see in these films without making them seem stereotypical (if that makes any sense lol)

All in all I recommend this movie to any Sci-Fi/Horror fans who are interested in the concept of what Hell is supposed to be.

It's a hell of a ride.

*audience groans.

Smith:No, I haven't seen anything and I don't need to see anything sir but I can tell you... this ship is fucked.
Dr. Weir:Well, thank you for that scientific analysis, Mr Smith.



I <3 Event Horizon.


25th anniversary of The Breakfast Club



Someone Quote Space balls Very Happy

I cant remember anything atm



The Cramtron wrote:I <3 Event Horizon.

I just watched that a few days ago. Hadn't seen it in a long time.



Frostbyrn wrote:Someone Quote Space balls Very Happy

I cant remember anything atm

Dark Helmet: Before you die there is something you should know about us, Lone Star.
Lone Starr: What?
Dark Helmet: I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.
Lone Starr: What's that make us?
Dark Helmet: Absolutely nothing! Which is what you are about to become.



Use the Shwartz Very Happy



I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.



Also need some Hitchhikers Guide stuff Very Happy


Today is the 20th anniversary of Goodfellas.



Happy Birthday Goodfellas!!!!

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