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NFL update

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1NFL update Empty NFL update 2011-04-28, 19:58



as friday 4/29 at 8am the NFL starts the league new year. players can go to team facilities, use the weight rooms, do rehab, and practice. OTA's can start, and player can talk with coaches. Trades and free agency will be determined at some point Friday, or later. All this can change if the appeals court chooses to stay the injuction.

I'm learning alot with this damn labor mess.

2NFL update Empty Re: NFL update 2011-04-28, 20:09



Hopefully it works out. You watching the first round tonight?

3NFL update Empty Re: NFL update 2011-04-29, 08:56



I wasn't able to, I needed sleep before work. I did see how the first round went, newton first (I don't understand why the Panthers are so quick to give up on Clausen) I noticed Mallet didn't go (I was surprised by that, a few teams needed a QB, like the 'Skins) alot of OL guys went. I think Ingram in NO will be good fit for him. Ponder to Minn., not surprised by that at all, they'll be rebuilding the next few years, and if they lose Rice it'll be long season for Ponder if they decide to start him.

Once the draft is done, and some FA movements end, and the season actually starts I'll probably have an opinion post on some stuff.

4NFL update Empty Re: NFL update 2011-04-29, 09:14



Not that I was thrilled with any of the QB's but I was hoping the Bengals would pick up a new QB and move away from Palmer. I used to be a Palmer fan but not so much anymore. I do like Greene though!

5NFL update Empty Re: NFL update 2011-04-29, 17:03



Hopefully the Green pick helps, I'm still not sure what caused last years melt down. They need a deep threat, but I think they need a more consistent O-line.

6NFL update Empty Re: NFL update 2011-04-29, 20:37



Gah a Cincy fan? Damn cincitucky.

7NFL update Empty Re: NFL update 2011-04-30, 08:57



Sorry, DL the Cincy fan. I'm the Packer fan of the forum, and I'm not just saying because they won the SB45. I said it last year when got the fantasy league going. When I love football though, I wasn't kidding, I try to stay up-to-date with the entire league, every team. It isn't too hard actually.

BTW the lockout is back on, the appeals court ruled 2-1 for a temporary stay until they can can rule on a more permanent one that would be in place until the appeal process goes through in May. We should have word the more permanent one mid-week.

8NFL update Empty Re: NFL update 2011-04-30, 16:49



I'd be in on a FFB league

9NFL update Empty Re: NFL update 2011-04-30, 16:58



Im a Browns fan Smile probably obvious

10NFL update Empty Re: NFL update 2011-04-30, 17:03



Nothing wrong there. Hillis just won the cover of Madden '12.

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