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The Daily Hat Issue 2

Captain Pirate Pineapple
Ron Swanson
The Mr. E of Hat
8 posters

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1The Daily Hat Issue 2 Empty The Daily Hat Issue 2 2011-04-29, 13:27

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

The Daily Hat Issue 2 Issue2

I just want to point out that the "I'm very concerned. I want to see the..." line... is straight from the article I read for reference...

2The Daily Hat Issue 2 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 2 2011-04-29, 13:33



Justice? Poo works so much better.

3The Daily Hat Issue 2 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 2 2011-04-29, 13:46



Ah yes Politicians, it's a love hate relationsh.... no scratch that it's just a hate relationship.

4The Daily Hat Issue 2 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 2 2011-04-29, 15:36

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Trump is a joke in an already bad joke that is our current political system. I just wish he would go away.

5The Daily Hat Issue 2 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 2 2011-04-29, 15:49

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Tater wrote:Ah yes Politicians, it's a love hate relationsh.... no scratch that it's just a hate relationship.

I don't think it could have been said better.

6The Daily Hat Issue 2 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 2 2011-04-29, 16:29




I agree with Terry, just go away Trump.

7The Daily Hat Issue 2 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 2 2011-04-29, 16:41



Because Kentucky is..................... FUCKING AWESOME!

8The Daily Hat Issue 2 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 2 2011-04-29, 16:58



Very nice, our tax dollars at work, poo bags on door steps.

9The Daily Hat Issue 2 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 2 2011-04-29, 17:02



Layla it's one of dem flamin bags of poop again...

Don't put it out wit ya boots Ted!!

Don't tell me my business WOMAN!!


10The Daily Hat Issue 2 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 2 2011-04-30, 09:52

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Tater wrote:Ah yes Politicians, it's a love hate relationsh.... no scratch that it's just a hate relationship.

No, you had it right the first time. Who doesn't love hating politicians?

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