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The Daily Hat Issue 3

Cardboard Fox
Keyser Söze
The Mr. E of Hat
10 posters

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1The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:22

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Great way to start a monday~

The Daily Hat Issue 3 Issue3

2The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:24



LMAO.... That is great. I love your articles Mr Hat.

3The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:29

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Thank ye~ feedback is always appreciated positive or negative. Tho positive is always nice~

4The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:30



That's awesome. Haha!

5The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:32

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I didn't like the Dorrito's part. I'm sure Bin Laden would be into Cheetos.

6The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:33

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Damn...your right. then I could have put the cheese powder in his beard...

7The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:38



Positive it is then!

8The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:45



Haha, awesome. Keep em coming.

9The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:48



Did you ever have that kid who would hide right behind the base in hide n seek? You would finish counting and then go search for people. Then you would instantly hear "HA I'm on base!" Mother f*cker.....

10The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:50

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I always slapped that kid.

11The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:52



There was a base in hide n seek?

I hid behind my friends tv once. They never found me. Buwahaha.

12The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 12:57

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

That's awesome.

Speaking of hide and seek, I played it a lot here:

Fun fun fun.

13The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 13:16



That place looks awesome!

Good stuff Mystery Hat!

14The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 13:25



sheep wrote:There was a base in hide n seek?

I hid behind my friends tv once. They never found me. Buwahaha.

Whatever you call it. Didn't you have a place that the hiders could go to instead of being tagged? I think some people just stay until found.

15The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 13:30

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

My one highschool friend had a furnished basement and we would play hide and seek with all the lights out. AKA Hide and hope they dont trip over you. Since the person who was IT had to feel around blindly I hid under the couch cushions so when he felt the couch he only felt the cushions. Creative hiding for the win. When I was it... I threw chairs until I heard someone whimper in fear.

16The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 13:33



Hilarious! We played something similar to that. We called it Sardines in a Can. Stupid name, I didn't make it up. But we put trash bags over the windows to eliminate all light. Then a single person would hide somewhere. Everyone else would go in to find that person in total blackness.

It's a little backwards, but a lot of fun. We didn't throw chairs though. lol...

17The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 13:40

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


ouch man, remind me not to play with you Razz

18The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 13:41

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

After the first guy got hit they learned to hide behind things...

19The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 13:43



I've played sardines in a can before.

We used to also do the pitch black thing too. There was a railing on the wall that you could just barely stand at that I would hide at because nobody would think to check the wall. Also I could squish myself under the pool table but that got kind of exhausting after a while.

20The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 15:15

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Another great issue to start off a Monday!

21The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 15:16



Next time I have a bunch of drunk people over I'll make them play that against their will.

Drunks in a can. Hilarity will ensue.

22The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 15:24



That would be hilarious Metal. Too bad it'll be to dark to record. Secure yourself a night vision recorder!

I don't remember there every being a base/or not get tagged thing for hide and seek. I remember a no tag base for tag, but that's it.

23The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 15:25



We played where you had to be tagged to be it, not just found. I was always faster than my friends so I never had to worry about being tagged unless I wanted to.

24The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 15:26



sheep wrote: Secure yourself a night vision recorder!

Ha! I actually already have one. I have the Nightvision Sony they pulled off the market a few years ago because it can film through clothing with a special lens.

25The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 15:30



...You would have one, wouldn't you?

Then I demand you record the drunken sardines!

26The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 15:39



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:We played where you had to be tagged to be it, not just found. I was always faster than my friends so I never had to worry about being tagged unless I wanted to.

Same here. I always liked being "it". I usually messed around and got tagged from time to time.

27The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 15:40

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Metalzoic wrote:
sheep wrote: Secure yourself a night vision recorder!

Ha! I actually already have one. I have the Nightvision Sony they pulled off the market a few years ago because it can film through clothing with a special lens.
wow...... those must be sooooooo expensive on ebay XD

28The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 15:48



The Mystic Doddler wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
sheep wrote: Secure yourself a night vision recorder!

Ha! I actually already have one. I have the Nightvision Sony they pulled off the market a few years ago because it can film through clothing with a special lens.
wow...... those must be sooooooo expensive on ebay XD

Last time I checked just the lens was a couple hundred. I haven't looked in a long time though.

29The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 15:51



Looks like they've dropped a bit.

$130 - $150 range now.

30The Daily Hat Issue 3 Empty Re: The Daily Hat Issue 3 2011-05-02, 19:26



Sardines in a Can

Weirdo americans your obviously talking about Blind mans Bluff

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