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Making a flash game?

Epyk MD
7 posters

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1Making  a flash game? Empty Making a flash game? 2010-09-08, 18:43



Well in IT, there's a project for making a SIMPLE game for the year for our GCSE Grades.

Basicly we need to make a simple game using Flash for animations and stuff, Photoshop for making our own images instead of taking copyright/copyright free things so it's our own thing.

You need to have a map and certain hot spots to click on so you can go todifferent areas...

In these areas there'll be things incorporated such as three puzzles one animation? and a narrated video (Which will be my opening).

So then, it's just a stupid click and type the answer game for puzzles to unlock a chest but since we're allowed to use flash I wanted to change it to form a 2D Side Scroller game (Kinda like mario where you can do damage by jumping on the enemy head.) while incorporating all of this because I love challenges and our current project is trash.

The question is.. How easy is it to use Flash to make a game with a Video opening, Map and incorporating the damage feature plus controls? I've never tried with this but i'd like to get a B or A in this showing that I am capable for Computer Technology.

Any thoughts are welcomed :3.

2Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-08, 18:48



I took IGCSE, international version, a long time ago before I had to take IB.

I think I did something similar back in the days, but it was not required part.

3Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-08, 19:15



StormEye wrote:I took IGCSE, international version, a long time ago before I had to take IB.

I think I did something similar back in the days, but it was not required part.

I guess, well i'd do it anyway because the more GCSEs is the better. But the school i'm at is litterly made me lose any enthusiasm I had because it was stupid work that wasn't all that fun. I only had one good teacher for science and she's gone for this year. I got As in each assignment too.

Although I never knew there was a International GCSE Surprised I'm suprised you knew what it is because most people have no idea unless they're from acountry that does it.

4Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-08, 19:18



I travelled around a lot, and IGCSE and IB was taught internationally so that I can go to schools without having to adjust to the new system each time.

5Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-08, 19:21



That's cool. I want to travel around a lot. BUT NO, once we went to florida my mum decided no more countrys out of Europe. >.< But she really means. No more countries that isn't spain.

I now envy you even more >.<

6Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-08, 19:57

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Its funny I started looking into flash this morning to see hoe steep the learning curve was. (Wants to make a zombie vs robots flash fighter game) from the looks of it C++ and adobe are "simplest" but are still going to take a good time to learn. They have a few programs that allow for input of parameters with out knowing much coding...but I doubt that's inside your grade permissions

7Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-08, 20:40



I dont know how in depth your talking about but I made some simple flash movies at school last year. One of them was a 300 spoof lol. Hardest part for me was actually drawing the stuff in it (not very good starting images from scratch)

8Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-08, 22:46



DICE can make games and im pretty sure their all mentally retarded so you should be sweet Very Happy

9Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-09, 03:34



Frostbyrn wrote:DICE can make games and im pretty sure their all mentally retarded so you should be sweet Very Happy


Yeah i'm pretty sure I could do whatever in flash because they're just looking for something simple and Adobe flash normally is used for Animating but Animating plus controlling it as a game would be nice and a lot smoother than loading everything into different PDFs or whatever. Surprised

10Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-09, 04:38



So whats your Game about i think i missed it in the first Post

11Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-09, 11:46



Frostbyrn wrote:So whats your Game about i think i missed it in the first Post

No idea , it must include the things in there and have a chest wherey ou make a password fori t. So something in a jungle map/dungeon kind thing not sure. If it's a jungle I can add different things hidden rooms and such. But the story, no idea. xD I want to think about one soon.

12Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-09, 20:39



Make it in a Jungle and the Password for the Chest the numbers off Lost Very Happy

13Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-09, 20:48

Stoop Kid

Stoop Kid

The story is you are a soldier from B-Company stranded on a island, which you find is being held by Russians. The chest could be an MCOM Station and you're defusing the bomb.

14Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-09, 21:02



Are the Russians all Wookiees?

15Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-10, 03:37



LOL, I might do that xP Have Wookie enemies and stuff, Maybe just have a knife for a weapon or something. And my teacher can't really say no if he told me anything is allowwed.

16Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-10, 03:38



Lol 64 Bit Porn Very Happy ROFL!

17Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-11, 12:33



your joker doesnt seem to excited

18Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-11, 20:53



Hm, i'm not sure what I should do though If it's like a jungle or wookie. like how would I go abotu getting to the MCOM and stuff? o.o

19Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-12, 11:08



maybe healthed environments?

20Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-13, 16:21



Hm, well tomorrow I get to make my ideas so I have one. Any of suggestions for a game idea like what I should include or stuff ? xD

and do files made in macromedia flash work in adobe flash?

21Making  a flash game? Empty Re: Making a flash game? 2010-09-13, 19:30



Lol, I just found out something. my teacher is a star trek fan. which means lecture about his little game he made for example.

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