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Movie of the week

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1Movie of the week Empty Movie of the week 2011-05-01, 19:26



This is a good idea, but I havent seen many posts supporting it. Is everyone participating? How are you deciding what to watch each week? Is there a rating restriction? I know we have young users.

Might I suggest a list each week given by those who are participating. Then a poll to vote in the next movie. Or several movies. I watch movies a lot, so 1 movie a week is not enough for me.

thoughts on elaborating this?

2Movie of the week Empty Re: Movie of the week 2011-05-01, 19:38

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the bright red group is the movie club.

they have a list they work through Very Happy

3Movie of the week Empty Re: Movie of the week 2011-05-01, 20:50



I haven't seen the list. Am I missing it?

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