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So I just woke up

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1So I just woke up Empty So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 01:29



To my mother yelling at me to give her her keys and debit card since she was going to work. What she didn't know was that I woke up from a dream where a telemarketer called my cell phone and I yelled at him in a deep demonic voice. "What company do you work for? I will come down there and rip your eyes out, eat them, skull fuck you, then set you and this place ablaze!" It was a very joyous dream. But my mother woke me up when I was screaming a battle cry over the ashes of the company, and I was stuck in angry scream mode. So I started yelling at her, very violently and couldn't stop myself. I really couldn't. I also, for some reason, couldn't explain myself to her. So she went to work all mad at me. I don't think anybody here has ever had something like that happen.

Last edited by Grey on 2011-05-04, 01:41; edited 1 time in total

2So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 01:31



That's HILARIOUS. I've had conversations with my parents a couple of times where I thought I was dreaming.

3So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 01:37



Hahaha. Grey you are one crazy guy.

She'll get over it, don't worry.

I've never had a conversation with someone while asleep. Well, that I know of.

4So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 01:41


sheep wrote:Hahaha. Grey you are one crazy guy.

She'll get over it, don't worry.

I've never had a conversation with someone while asleep. Well, that I know of.

I've been told i sleep talk. I use to share a room with my brother and he said i'd always talk about girls and video games.

5So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 01:43



Well, at least you were talking about normal things Gilly. Not duct taping people and locking them in closets.

Or eating the eyes of telemarketers.

6So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 01:45



Or eating the eyes of telemarketers.

Can't forget the cranium violation that comes afterwards.

7So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 01:46



Give the woman a few drinks and she'll talk absolute crazy talk in her sleep.

It's creepy sometimes.

8So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 01:48



Metalzoic wrote:Give the woman a few drinks and she'll talk absolute crazy talk in her sleep.

It's creepy sometimes.

I am intrigued.

9So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 01:49



Next time she does it I'll try to write it down and post it here.

10So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 01:57



Metalzoic wrote:Next time she does it I'll try to write it down and post it here.

I am looking forward to this, in a totally non-creeper way, of course.

11So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 02:30



*crawls out of hole*

I've been told that I sleep talk many times. The one thing that I'll always remember is that I once told my friend "I'll fill your fishbowl 5 dollar." in a Chinese accent. I have no idea what I was dreaming about and it freaked out my friend. Makes me wonder if it can be interpreted in different ways...

*cannonballs back into hole*

12So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 03:37



I can hold full conversations in my sleep

Gets annoying for me because apparently i tell people ill do stuff but since i was sleeping i have no memory of it at all

13So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 03:52



MEGA MILK wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:Next time she does it I'll try to write it down and post it here.

I am looking forward to this, in a totally non-creeper way, of course.

Same here lol.

Also, on the topic of sleep talking/walking, I got up one day and wasn't sleepwalking, just really... weird, for lack of a better term, went to my parent's room, woke them up, asked them "How do you make white rice disappear?". They were (probably) just saying "...what? I don't know. Are you okay?". At which point I got mad at them not knowing the answer even though it was very obvious (I remember having the answer at that time. Afterwards, I forgot what it was, and have been annoyed that I still can't remember it.) I then went to the bathroom, took a piss, and went back to bed. I completely forgot about it until my parents asked me what the answer was in the morning.

14So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 04:10



I dont know but i do now how to use Rice to make Pigeons explode

Shale Approves +15

15So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 08:25

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Haha! That's awesome xD

I talk in my sleep a lot and I sleepwalk sometimes. I carry entire conversations with Ehat and I never even remember them. It's pretty amusing apparently.

16So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 08:29

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:Haha! That's awesome xD

I talk in my sleep a lot and I sleepwalk sometimes. I carry entire conversations with Ehat and I never even remember them. It's pretty amusing apparently.

My wife is the same way, except for the sleepwalking. She talks a lot! Other times she like to get violent and just smack me.

17So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 08:35

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I don't think I've ever smacked him, haha. I do sleep like a rock though so sometimes if I go to bed early he can't get me to roll over and has to sleep on the couch silent

One time when we were on vacation I sleepwalked over to the door of our room and tried to go downstairs xD

18So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 09:27



I used to sleep walk as a child. I often woke up not in my bed with no memory of leaving. My dad had to put a child gate at the top of the stairs because he was afraid I'd fall down them.

My little sister and my mom will have conversations together while they are sleeping. It's weird.

19So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 09:39

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I sleep in my talk too.

20So I just woke up Empty Re: So I just woke up 2011-05-04, 11:43



Mortal Kombat wrote:I sleep in my talk too.

Drunk or High?

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