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MoH revive??

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1MoH revive?? Empty MoH revive?? 2011-05-05, 18:11



Wow, im actually shocked/slash happy. Theres been posting bout it lately!
Im glad though, I think this game deserves it.

Also, where did you guys get the customizable sigs for it? All I found was this (below) and its not nearly as cool....

2MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-05, 18:16



it was

Mine aren't up, cause well.... it not pretty, I didn't play it long

3MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-05, 18:16



im not either, lol. Mine are atrocious!!! Hopefully they will come up this weekend though.

4MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-05, 18:19



Mine was page 5. My stats always suck but meh.
I'll try and get on about 7 central tonight and see how bad I can suck some more Very Happy

5MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-05, 18:20



Tater hooked me up! I don't know how to quote across topics (if it's even possible) but here's what he said:


xbox and enter your GT. then select the sig/graphics. once you find one
you like click on "get this graphic" enter your GT then copy the URL
code underneath the graphic.

Once you've done that come back
here go into your profile select "signature" and in the box that you can
enter info, click on the either URL button or the picture of the tree
button, then click inside the text box and paste the URL code you copied
earlier. Save what you've done and enjoy!

END QUOTE Very Happy

EDIT: lol, late to the party Rolling Eyes

Last edited by MADEWITHROBOTS on 2011-05-05, 18:21; edited 1 time in total

6MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-05, 18:20



I'm not one for stats, I like having fun, but after I saw them I decided to hold out a bit, see what I can do....

I just got to .9 k/d id gears3 and that's the highest k/d I've had in any game since Perfect Dark for N64.

7MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-05, 18:22



TexasMace wrote:Mine was page 5. My stats always suck but meh.
I'll try and get on about 7 central tonight and see how bad I can suck some more Very Happy

I probably can't get on till tomorrow morning......

Hopefully this move changes my schedule around.

8MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-05, 18:28



You know, I may end up going ocd and changing my sig every day now. These stats are freaking awesome!

9MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-05, 19:16


I don't have the game anymore since I never really had anyone to play with but random people but here's my stats from when I last played the game.

MoH revive?? 360_Phantom%20Zehn

10MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-05, 19:21



I was gonna get that one too!

Having to work late again so i may not be on till late or at all. waaaaa

11MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-06, 09:25




Tex and I shot us some bitches last night. I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game again. there were a few matches that i died in alot but damn i was liking the smoothness of movement and the ease of aiming.

we only played TDM, my best game was 27-3. my worst was 6-10.

I found myself pitchin a tent alot! Sad but it's TDM that's the point is to farm kills right.....

12MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-06, 09:26



I'll jump on for a bit in a bit.

13MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-06, 09:29



I'd help ya fox but i'm a workin.... errr. supposed to be anyway.

14MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-06, 10:29



Yeah, WOW! I am REALLY enjoying this game! It feels like a totally different game than when I first played it. It's smooth, feels "real", and the graphics are very impressive. I think the game has a more tactical element to it that I really enjoy.
Had a lot of fun, Tater! My avergae was about 5/10 and that is okay because I really did have fun. Hopefully we can get another game going tonight or over the weekend after you finish drunken dancing.

15MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-06, 10:35



I may be on tonight.

I know i took tomorrow off work but i'll be busy till the evening.

I did have fun last night, DEFINITELY have to play this game different than BC2. there's A LOT of wide open spaces to get sniped in. Moving from cover to cover is essential.

I like how there wasn't any vehicles and the only threat from above was airstrikes.

that last game we played i was at 265/275 pts... DAMMIT i almost had that tomahawk missile.

"DAMMIT" was a big part of my vocabulary during last nights games!! LMAO

16MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-06, 12:12



Right? In bc2 you can move relativelyl easy. I noticed that I have to take this game a lot slower. If anything, move to cover, and shoot more often than you should. If something looks suspicious, dont conzerve your ammo, just shoot it Very Happy

17MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-06, 12:32



That's a question I have! I noticed that I run out of ammo a lot, is there anything you can do about it?

18MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-06, 12:45



I use teh extra magazine "perk" if you will.

that way i have 130 rnds plus the mag in the rifle. I change up my class depending on size of the level.

For close range i use open tip ammo so they go down quicker. for medium to longer rande i use whatever gives me better accuracy.

AIM FOR THE HEAD!! those 15pts build you up to a quicker streak! i also don't hold the trigger at longer range. I try and shoot in quick taps usually 3-5 rnds and their down at range.

UP close lay on the trigger and rambo fire left to right. ADS'ing will get you killed.

19MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-06, 16:53



I had alot of fun playing this for bit, I can't remember why I stopped playing it. I went even the first few games, then I tanked....

I love the smoothness of the game, but most of my deaths were snipers. I was playing TDM, I think I'll switch to the conquest type tomorrow. I'm really not doing good at all. I gotta try to get on at night at least once to get with tater and tex and maybe flash. I could be playing this for a while..... split my time with this and Gears for the next few weeks.

20MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-06, 16:57



Tex and I had a good time last night. Tex said he wasn't going positive very often but he was still enjoying the game!

Me i don't mind going even or negative either, but deep down i get frustrated after a while of not doing well. (AT BC2 that is) this game i don't mind if i do Shitty. But getting those devastating airstrikes is sooo much fun.

21MoH revive?? Empty Re: MoH revive?? 2011-05-06, 17:04



Looks like some of my stats reset, i remember having a bit more..... oh well.

I never start off good at any shooter, in Gears I got as low as .6 and I've gotten it up to .9 (thats a record for me!!)

I figure as I play I'll get better, but I tend to rush from cover to cover, get behind the enemy, and start going after them. Probably would help if I hit the knife instead of grenade all the time. I did it all morning, I'd sneak up on a guy, hit RB and throw a grenade Evil or Very Mad , took me a bit to remember that it is RS.

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