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My copy hasn't shipped yet...

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1My copy hasn't shipped yet... Empty My copy hasn't shipped yet... 2011-05-08, 23:11

Comrade Rage77

Comrade Rage77

I pre-ordered from Amazon and chose Release date shipping. As of now (Sunday night) I haven't got an e-mail. Should I be worried?


Nah man release date delivery is always like that they usually ship the day before.

Comrade Rage77

Comrade Rage77

Good to know. I was starting to get nervous. Been amped for this game.


Same i only went with bestbuy because my giftcard made it free got their fastest delivery so i should proably get in on tuesday-wensday around the same time i'll be getting my 360 back(hopefully but it will be next week)..

By the way... How has our TDU2 club been? Good amount of total xp yet?

Comrade Rage77

Comrade Rage77

Haven't really played TDU 2 in a few weeks. I've been waiting for that free DLC they promised us like 2 months ago...


Yeah Bullshit huh? PC has it and apparently it's got a ZR1 in it but it's only in an added mission(wtf?). I heard a lot of people have hacked it and found more on-disc DLC cars that weren't out yet. People also hacked it to have the 458 on the 360 haha.


Oh yeah and they hacked a Lamborghini Gallardo.. I wonder if Eden can get sued over this?

edit:And where are the bikes? lol. I feel like this game was developed by a bunch of teenagers.

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