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Most important poll yet

3 posters

Toast butter side up, or butterside down??

Most important poll yet Vote_lcap71%Most important poll yet Vote_rcap 71% [ 5 ]
Most important poll yet Vote_lcap29%Most important poll yet Vote_rcap 29% [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 7

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1Most important poll yet Empty Most important poll yet 2011-05-09, 12:30



I need your opinions to this never-ending debate!

2Most important poll yet Empty Re: Most important poll yet 2011-05-09, 12:43

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

All that matters is that when the time comes and the toast falls down, it will always fall on the buttered side.

3Most important poll yet Empty Re: Most important poll yet 2011-05-09, 13:20



You don'y have what I do up there. I like to dunk mine in lard and let it marinate for 48 hours. Then it is ready for consumption.

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