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Minecraft Account

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1Minecraft Account Empty Minecraft Account 2011-05-09, 16:23



I need one to update the minecraft ( + download lol) but I only want to play offline (couldn't online if I tried internet sucks). Can anybody help?

2Minecraft Account Empty Re: Minecraft Account 2011-05-09, 17:02



From what I understand, you don't have a legit copy? (Don't worry, no one here will give you shit for pirating. Tom left a while back.)

3Minecraft Account Empty Re: Minecraft Account 2011-05-09, 17:20



no I dont even have a pirated one at all....In germany you can get fined 5000 euro for pirating or illegal downloading

4Minecraft Account Empty Re: Minecraft Account 2011-05-09, 17:22

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

basically he wants someones MC account for a few mins, in order to DL the newest MC.
then he'll give the account back and play offline.

is that it?

5Minecraft Account Empty Re: Minecraft Account 2011-05-09, 17:27



Yeesh, that's rough. I honestly don't feel comfortable doing that, though. Crying or Very sad

6Minecraft Account Empty Re: Minecraft Account 2011-05-09, 17:36



yeah I know....I hate that. I can't get it because my account would be closed if I did (not enough money and I dont start work for another 2 months so like 2 1/2 months before I could get Sad )

7Minecraft Account Empty Re: Minecraft Account 2011-05-09, 17:40

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i dont have a paypal account and im not too big on online banking after the big PC got a bigass virus outbreak and basically broke, and my laptop used to be my sisters (she downloaded a lot) so im not sure if thats clean Razz

so im waiting until after exams for my parents to do it on their 100% sure virus-free laptop Razz

im a paranoid bastard, but im safe that way Very Happy

8Minecraft Account Empty Re: Minecraft Account 2011-05-09, 17:42



at least your parents will. Mine will never put his on the internet (except for my mom's amazon account lol)

9Minecraft Account Empty Re: Minecraft Account 2011-05-09, 18:43



Do you guys have prepaid Visa cards in Germany? I'm assuming they're a global thing, but who knows. Try scrounging up 15 euros and use one of those.

10Minecraft Account Empty Re: Minecraft Account 2011-05-10, 02:05



thing is the pre-paid things might not work, plus they cost 30 euro lol

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