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I'm a huge loser and here's why:

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Soooo... any Harry Potter fans here? Nobody EVER wants to talk HP with me and it's like my favorite nerdly hobby! I've seriously read the first one so many times the binding is torn and I could name the chapter titles in order. Maybe it was because I was the perfect age for it when it got big or because real life just sucks so much, but this series really meant alot to me growing up. Hell I refused to read the last one for years just because I didn't want it to end. (I've finished it now and it was AMAZING!)

So, please indulge me:

What's your favorite book of the series and why?
Who's your favorite character? Favorite supporting character?
What do you wish had happened differently in the last book?

My favorite book was the 4th, because of all the action and riddles. I never saw the end of it coming. I mean, an imposter Moody? Who would have guessed? It was actually the first book I owned. My grandma Mimi bought it for me before I'd ever even heard of it. I read the first chapter and Voldy sent such chills down my spine I HAD to start from the beginning.

My favorite character is Hermione, she and I are so much alike. Although my obsessive reading has only gained me pointless trivia, but whatever. Malfoy was my favorite villian, I loved his and Harry's rivalry. Luna and her giant radish earrings is my fav secondary character.

I wish the big scene where Harry "dies" made a little more sense. And the thing with his wand moving on it's own. Those never felt truely answered to me. I almost feel it WOULD have been better if Harry had died. But of course, then I would've had to send JK Rowling a letter bomb.




I really liked the fifth one just because the whole order of the phoenix thing was really interesting and I liked the mystery of the ministry of magic.

Hermione is also my favorite character in the series because she seems more of the leader than Harry and she always sticks by them no matter what and eventually has to rescue them out of some situation with her genius. I too liked the rivalry between Harry and Draco because in every book, you could just feel the hatred.

The "death" scene of Harry seemed really confusing to me too, and I think Rowling should have explained the wand bits better, but what can you do, right?



I've read them all, but can't really remember anything about them or which book was which. Sorry.

I don't even remember Harry having a death scene.


Well Metalzoic, after the first wave of attack on Hogwarts castle Voldemort totally called out HP and called him names and such, and big H doesn't stand for such nonsense. He used the resurection stone to temporarily call forth the ghostly memories of his dead parents and Sirius to rally himself forth and he burst into the scene and did one on one battle-to-the-death with Voldy in the Forbidden Forest. HP does a Gandalf and sacrafices himself in the hopes of sparing his friends but HO! Because of Lily's sacrifice, the spiritual connection between them, and the shared cores of their wands (or something to that effect, that's the ambiguous part) Voldy goes down too and Harry is transported in his mind to Kings Cross station where he meets....wait for it...DUMBLY! Or not, it might of been his psycotic brain I'm not sure. But he has a nice leisurely chat with Ghostaldore and he sees a maimed freaky child thing thats supposedly the tiny bit of Voldy's soul that attached itself to Harry when he was one (meaning he had 8 horcruxes instead of 7). In the end Harry chooses not to go into the light and wakes up, the killing curse only killing the bit o soul because of Harry's noble action or some hooey.

I'm being particularly riduculous in this telling, but yeah, that's why it confuses me.

PS If you actually read this the whole way through you are a trooper.



I've read them all except for the last book so I'm kinda skimming some of the posts here as to not have anything revealed! HAHA

To be honest I bought the series to read to my kids, read the first and at the time a few years ago they just didn't really get into the first book. I liked it so I read all the others printed at the time.

They want to try it again though so who knows.

I likw the Weasly twins! Hmmm lets see..... smart ass pranksters. yep my kinda people!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation



yes, i am Razz

im re-reading the 7th book now so i can be all snobby and moan about how they changed the story of the book when DH part 2 comes out in cinemas Laughing

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