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Decision time!

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1Decision time! Empty Decision time! 2011-05-11, 08:33



Okay, so I have to go to Gamestop to cancel my Gears3 pre-order (I'm moving, and I need to put the pre-order on it after I move), so after the money on my gamestop card, money back from the preorder, and some points stuff I might get a new game Very Happy . Question is, which one.

I'm looking at Homefront, Assassin Creed: BrotherHood, DW7 (maybe), or something else. I would try for brink, but i won't have that much money for it (It's all GS store credit, so no amazon and such).

2Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 08:44



Don't ask me. I heard nothing really good about any of those titles.

3Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 09:37



I like Homefront. It's a lot of fun. I know a lot of people got frustrated by the first week of server issues but those are fixed now. Homefront really is a nice mixe of Battlefield, and CoD. At this point there are a lot of vids up that you can check out. I can recomend some youtube channels if you are inteested.

I will be getting AC Brotherhood at somepoint myself. 30.00 may be cheap enough, I may hold out till 20 bucks. I like the AC games they are just a lot of fun to pay.

Brink, I think does have some good concepts but I can see it being like Halo for me. I'e playu it for a week or 2 and it would get old. I can already tell that from what I have heard, and the vids I watched that it will get repetative. Thats not my final verdict tough. I'll wait for Epyk to post some vids, since I've played with him and understand his playstyle I'll get a bettwer feel watching his vids than o thers.

4Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 10:32

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm assuming DW7 is Dynasty Warriors, in which case awesome. If you do get that, let me know how it is. I bought 6 the other weekend for like $20 and have yet to play it, but I used to play a couple of them back in the day on PS2. Love me some mindless action. Haven't played Homefront, so I don't know about that.

AC:BH I have and love. I think it was the best game out of the series so far. I really haven't played much of the multiplayer as it was kind of hard to get matches. The story was kind of lacking towards the end as there were some really frustrating and annoying missions. As for the gameplay though, the combat has been improved greatly over the first two. The free running/climbing feels a bit tighter, even though there were times where he was jumping in odd directions.

If you do like mindless action, might I suggest Earth Defense Force 2017. Greatest game I think I might have ever played. The graphics are cheesey, the gameplay is kind of broke, there really is no story, but it all fits together like it was really done on purpose and that makes it hilarious! This is absolutely one of my favorite games of all time ever! When I picked it up about two years ago, it was $20 brand new. It had only been on shelves at that point for a couple months too. They made a sequel that's being released in early July (around the 4th I think). It will be $40 brand new. I'm really looking forward to it!

5Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 13:59

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Dead Space 2 mang.

6Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 15:13



I dunno what games you already have,but these are cheap and loads of fun

Resident Evil 5
Fallout 3
New Vegas is cheap now
Morrowind on pc Smile
Orange Box
BC2 of course :3
Maybe World at War for a cheap zombie fix?
Left 4 Dead 2
Sonic Genesis Collection

I was going to say the Mass Effects but going by your name I guess you already have em Razz

Out of those games you mentioned,I'd get AC Brotherhood.It's cool,and the multiplayer is an added reason to keep playing.If you find you can't find matches I think there was a MP update kinda like how BC2 had theirs...if you don't have the update you can't play with people that do have the update I think...

7Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 16:14



I ended up getting AC:BH. So far I love it.

8Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 16:15



Look forward to hearing your thoughts on AC Fox! I might drop some hints on that being a fathers day gift for me for next month.

9Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 16:53



I only have played the first hour or so, but form what I did already, I'm not disappointed in the least. I haven't tried MP yet, probably won't for a while.

10Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 16:54



AC has never been about MP for me. If I love 2 and I gonna love Brotherhood? Thats my question.

11Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 17:15



Yes! I loved AC2, and I'm already liking BH.

12Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 18:07

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:AC has never been about MP for me. If I love 2 and I gonna love Brotherhood? Thats my question.

Yes, you will love BH. I liked 1, liked 2 even more, and I love 3 the best. There are a couple rage-worthy missions near the end of the game, but other than that, it's a great game.

I tried the multiplayer when it first came out, and had trouble getting games. Never got an update and haven't played it since then.

13Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 20:27



Man in AC2 the when going for all the seals to unlock Altair armor, that last one where you had to do all the weird jumps over the water caused me a few rage moments! Many a fuck was coming out of my mouth that night!

14Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 22:05



Im with DL, I vote Homefront

15Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-11, 22:08

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Man in AC2 the when going for all the seals to unlock Altair armor, that last one where you had to do all the weird jumps over the water caused me a few rage moments! Many a fuck was coming out of my mouth that night!

Yeah, there were many things in that game that had me yelling a lot. I did laugh a lot though when I let my coworker borrow both games and I watched him play them at work. It was hard to take a nap with him yelling constantly.

16Decision time! Empty Re: Decision time! 2011-05-12, 08:11



Thanks everyone for responding!! So far I'm enjoying the game, I'll have to try the MP later, it'll be interesting to play a MP that's not a shooter and requires you to "hide" with the NPC's.

I do like Homefront, I'll see if I can get that later. Maybe a Bday gift.

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