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 » The Lounge » Archives » AT4 guide

AT4 guide

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1AT4 guide Empty AT4 guide 2011-03-18, 17:11



Okay, so i finally platinized <(spell check says so) this thing the other day, and im just going to give a few tips here... i would have gotten it a long long time ago if vehicle kills counted (which they should for launchers)

-When trying to hit heli's, dont look at the crosshairs, or that floating red square at all, "be the missile" and only look at it. the crosshairs will just throw you off

-Dont ever try and kill someone from splash damage alone, you pretty much have to direct impact them.

- When trying to direct impact them, dont change your aim if they move, simply walk one way or another matching their movement while staying sighted in. the aim is really sensitive and you'll probably end up missing if you dont do it like this

-When trying to hit anything, you should always take a few step to the side, so youre not looking through the puff/trail of smoke the rocket leaves behind. doing this will also give you depth perception, making it a lot easier to judge how far away the missile is.

-When taking down choppers, ALWAYS have the explosive MK2 spec on, because V armor beats an AT4 with no explosive spec. nothings more frustrating than hitting a chopper and seeing it fly off.

-When taking down choppers, fire the missile in a way that you'll have to guide it the least. for example, if you see a chopper, lead it by a considerable amount and then guide it in from there.

-If youre trying to hit a stationary target, and dont want to stay sighted in waiting for the missile to hit, just switch weapons. the rocket will fly straight from then on.

-If youre trying to hit someone from a LONG way away (200 meters plus) aim a tiny, tiny bit above them, as the rocket does have slight drop. (hitting snipers with rockets is just the best)

I think that every engineer should use the AT4, once you get good with it, you'll have about a 1/2 success rate taking out choppers. plus it does the most damage against vehicles, period.

2AT4 guide Empty Re: AT4 guide 2011-03-18, 17:14



I'm lazy and didn't read all that.. Sorry end of the day on a friday i just can't...

But i can vouch for your brilliant success with the at4 i've seen you dominate many a noob with it.!!

Congrats on the Plat!!!!

3AT4 guide Empty Re: AT4 guide 2011-03-18, 17:16



yeah to be honest if someone posted this much text, i probably wouldnt read it either.

you guys should definitely read it though Very Happy

4AT4 guide Empty Re: AT4 guide 2011-03-18, 17:19



[quote="Zillah"]-If youre trying to hit someone from a LONG way away (200 meters plus) aim a tiny, tiny bit above them, as the rocket does have slight drop. (hitting snipers with rockets is just the best)

I've witnessed this several times through my acog'd m14 on arica harbor defense up on the sniper hill 1st base!!

Had i a capture card you'd have alot of kills in my screen from one game!! affraid

5AT4 guide Empty Re: AT4 guide 2011-03-18, 17:22



Zillah wrote:-If youre trying to hit someone from a LONG way away (200 meters plus) aim a tiny, tiny bit above them, as the rocket does have slight drop. (hitting snipers with rockets is just the best)

I've witnessed this several times through my acog'd m14 on arica harbor defense up on the sniper hill 1st base!!

Had i a capture card you'd have alot of kills in my screen from one game!! affraid

haha yeah man, that map and isla innocentes are the best for AT4!

too bad you or i have no capture card... Sad

6AT4 guide Empty Re: AT4 guide 2011-03-18, 17:31



in all honesty i witnessed you killing A LOT of people with that thing! my youtube compilation would have been.

Subject: this isn't me doing all the nasty kills!! DANGIT

7AT4 guide Empty Re: AT4 guide 2011-03-18, 17:34



haha well what do you expect to happen when you give an awesome player an awesome weapon?? Razz

8AT4 guide Empty Re: AT4 guide 2011-03-18, 17:38

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah, I used to hate the AT4 because it was hard to use. But now that I am getting the hang of it I am starting to love it.

I still need to get the hang of using it on choppers, im getting better, but not quite there yet.

9AT4 guide Empty Re: AT4 guide 2011-03-18, 18:33

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

you were impressed with my gustav whoring pfft. an AT4 plat is far more impressive congrats.

I'm in the process of trying the AT4 on helis more and I've had mixed success but I'm improving. I almost always use the AT4 on tank only maps.

10AT4 guide Empty Re: AT4 guide 2011-03-18, 18:38



im tellin ya, just do those few things and hitting heli's becomes reallllyyy easy

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