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I feel like I've either owned or played anything on 360 worth playing...

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I've had xbox for almost 3 years now,played everything big,some I liked some I didn't.

was just wondering if you guys/girls knew anything good and cheap to play that might last awhile?

I'm probably taking my Oblivion GOTY disc back tommorow.I can't deal with this bad framerate.Wasn't even this bad in glitchy New Vegas using the same engine or Fallout 3.

plus 40 bucks used for Oblivion is a joke...everybody just gouged up the price because of the hype with Skyrim,which I can't wait for.

It might take awhile to list every game I've played,but everything from Gears of War,Halo,UFC,Left 4 Dead,Fight Night,Resident Evil,Mass Effect,etc.

maybe I really HAVE played every 360 game worth playing.Now I know this is subjective from person to person,but I think I've played anything a normal 20 year old guy would have been interested in...



section 8 prejudice $15 theres a trial. try to get some pre game knowlegde beuase it can be hard to pick up



If you don't mind JRPGs, then look into Tales of Vesperia. Best RPG on the system.



woah dude!!Section 8 looks badass,I'll look into getting it Smile I like team shooters like Bad Company 2 :3

I like JRPG's,haven't played a new one since the bleh FF12 I bought on a whim and only played a couple hours in

I loved FF7 and X however Smile



Yeah, the newer FF games aren't worth playing. I hope FF12 isn't the reason you haven't bought an RPG since.



YAY Very Happy

this is one of those games that will screw u in the butt if you drop str8 in. the 1st campaign mission is an ok tutorial but try to get on with one of us to be a secondary guide

shoot me a fr anytime



You might want to try Lost Odyssey if you haven't already.



Bane wrote:You might want to try Lost Odyssey if you haven't already.
I could never get into LO. I got to the second disc, but the game was just too boring for me. I did love the little stories you find throughout the game though.



Kyuubey wrote:
Bane wrote:You might want to try Lost Odyssey if you haven't already.
I could never get into LO. I got to the second disc, but the game was just too boring for me. I did love the little stories you find throughout the game though.

My exact feelings towards the game.

I just thought that it might be something for him to try.

Last edited by Bane on 2011-05-13, 23:57; edited 1 time in total



yeah sadly FF12 is the reason that killed JRPGs to me....ever since then I've been much more into WRPGs like Morrowind,Mass Effect,Fallout 3/NV

Can't say I care much for Oblivion tho,or Fable....they just seemed dumbed down to me.Fable 2 at the least for 7 bucks at gamestop is a decent time killer,but still eh...

If I could find my PS1 memory card I'd do another run on Legend of I miss that game.There's quite a bit of RPG's on PS2 I never beat,I might never lmao I guess I got burned out on em,I have all 3 Xenosagas and Persona 3 FES...

Smile I spent a whole summer playing Morrowind GOTY on xbox in summer '08 finding all the good and secret stuff myself.I might just trade in Oblivion and get a MS points card for section 8,and with the other 20 bucks get Morrowind GOTY on pc Smile

I heard alot of things about TOV,I'll watch a youtube review in a min.


Kyuubey wrote:If you don't mind JRPGs, then look into Tales of Vesperia. Best RPG on the system.

I let my buddy borrow TOV and for awhile i told him he can't borrow it because it's my baby. I lent it to him and the next day i got it back said he didn't like it. I then preceded to gutshot him.



The Assassins Creed Series
Far Cry 2
Crysis 2
Splinter Cell Conviction
Rainbow 6 Vegas 2
Mass Effect Series
Dragon Age Origins

All those?



Haven't played Far Cry 2-heard it was bleh
I want to rent Crysis,don't see it lasting long online though,I heard it all comes down to turning invisible and cheap tactics,great graphic though

I've wanted to try out Dragon Age Origins for awhile.I have a feeling I'd get bored with it though for some reason =/

Is Crackdown 2 any good?It's free roam co op with zombies.seems like a win lol



Am I the only person on the planet who liked FFXII?



I would rent Portal 2.



>:3 I just remembered Portal 2.I should of got that instead of Mortal Kombat.Guess I'm not as much of a fighter fan as I thought I was....I would of been more happy having Armageddon on PS2



Puzzle Quest or Puzzle Quest 2.



Sacred 2! The original for the PC was more fun, imo, but that's probably because when I played 2, I didn't have it hooked up to hidef, and so couldn't read any of the story.

Fun hacknslashrpgish game thing.'

Darksiders is fun tooo.



Metalzoic wrote:Puzzle Quest or Puzzle Quest 2.

I second this.



In 2017
These entities arrived..
They did not come in peace

They came in a mothership

They're going home in a body bag Twisted Evil



scrittah wrote:Am I the only person on the planet who liked FFXII?

I liked FF12...

It wasn't like other FF games. Not being bound to a character class (Balthier doesn't always need a gun) was a freshy thing, and I still remember my ridiculously long Yiazmat and solo Gilgamesh runs.

And ToV without a doubt if you can play RPGs. Star Ocean was a bit unappealing for me, and The Last Remnant was fun, if a little confusing and rage inducing (at the AI upgrading themselves). ToV shone better than FF13.



Two worlds 2 is pretty good.



Two worlds 2 is pretty good.



Star Ocean: The Last Hope was okay, can definitely take up time if you do the extra dungeons. SO is the JRPG version of Mass Effect. Combat is action oriented, wasn't as good as the other SO's, but I liked it enough to finish it.

Look into some XBLA games, shadow complex, limbo, stuff like that.



I started playing some Section 8 last night and got into a match,but I think it was only actually 4 players and really 28 bots -___- .I'll try and find a game with nothing but humans,that would be nice.

And,I dare say Oblivion is kinda growing on me.I beat the main quest last night,now onto the Mage guild maybe or thieves guild Smile

I'm not sold on Section 8 yet....combat doesn't feel right.It's interesting,but no Halo.

I'm getting 1600 points to get Honest Hearts dlc for New Vegas in a couple days,and already have 510 points so I could get a good arcade game,but dunno what.....Maybe I could get the dlc for Mass Effect 2.I heard Shadow Broker was really good.

:3 damn I can't wait for ME3 and Skyrim oh oh oh and Battlefield 3!

After playing the beta online I must say fuck buying Gears 3 lol it would be worth a rent for the story tho Smile



I think the Gears 3 beta is awesome. Except getting spawn trapped by two hammers in that one tiny little map.



gears and bf3 are my only definate games



eh,Gears has always been bullshit online playing with randoms in my experiences when I could finally find matches.Maybe if I have the spare cash laying around in Sept. when it comes out I'll get it.

I've always loved the story mode though.Gears 2 is what made me want the 360.Never did online on it much though except Horde online with some friends

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