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If you could go back in time and start over from one point in you life...

Ars Diaboli
Patrick Star
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Cardboard Fox
The Adli Corporation
18 posters

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When and why?

Me, November 30th(I think thats the exact date) 2010. First time I went ice skating. Long story short, Im a fucking idiot and I could have been in a relationship right now.

What about ya'll?



Most of my time travels would be to go back and avoid certain relationships. lol...

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i probably wouldnt. life is good right now.

im staying an extra year at school since i messed my first year up a bit, but i'm on the right track now. i wouldnt change that since i still need an extra year to decide what to do at uni.

and dude, your 15... there are a lot more girls you are going to meet, and you'll meet someone you love again, trust me Very Happy



January 11, 2009. So I could have not screwed anything up with the Marine Corp. But. Now that I'm moving my ass along with the Army. I'm pretty content. Army Rangers here I come.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

23rd May, 1996, 11:58 PM.



Hmmm. Why's that Fox?

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:Most of my time travels would be to go back and avoid certain relationships. lol...

Yeah, I'm kind of in line with this. There are couple ladies I would have avoided, such as Horse Face. If I would have avoided her, then I could have had her friend, who is hotter. Also, it probably would have changed a few other things for me, and there might have been other ladies too. As Leon Phelps would have said, "It's a lady. Now do her in the butt."



Would re do freshman year, take an art credit then so I wouldn't have to take one online now to graduate and also not get caught cheating and get a 0 on a big math test while I was there.



About the time I started Grade 12. I could plan my future (I didn't then), I could clean up my appearance (I didn't then), I could get more involved (I didn't then) and I might not have done a slightly stupid thing at the end of the year.



Probably nothing.

I've definitely had regretful moments but I feel like if I avoided them then it would have some sort of butterfly effect on my life and I'd suddenly be a giraffe or something like that.




I have regrets, but everything that's happened brought to where i am, and I like where I am.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Chewy wrote:Probably nothing.

I've definitely had regretful moments but I feel like if I avoided them then it would have some sort of butterfly effect on my life and I'd suddenly be a giraffe or something like that.

Fox Shepard wrote:Nothing.

I have regrets, but everything that's happened brought to where i am, and I like where I am.

indeed, there is nothing so wrong with my life that i need to change it.
life is fine right now and meddling with the past might ruin that Razz

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i would go back december 2010 i would be in a relationship with the girl of my dreams right now



Do we mean going back in time and knowing it consciously? Because i would have liked to taken algebra 1, so i wouldnt be fucked over right now. But at the same time, it probably wouldnt be worth going through the past year all over again.

And knowing me I'd end up creating a paradox and ripping the universe's fabric in two.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I wouldn't. I am what I am because of my past.

Sure, there's tough shit, I have fucked up (badly, I might add Laughing) and regret my mistakes. But fuck that, I learned from them.

It's just a way in which you grow, become mature. And in my opinion and experience, yearning for the past is just proof of immaturity.

Edit: Unless I can just go back a couple of months and have the numbers of the lottery from the future. Jack pot, baby!


Eh, right now I'm gonna say Saturday. Not that it ruined my life or anything, but it was Prom and I would've liked to do things a little differently. Other than that, nothing really. Maybe 8th grade, so I could go to the school I'm at freshman year instead of transfer later?


No one said the lottery? I'd go back and win the lottery i already have an awesome chick and an ok life.



I've seen Back to the Future 2. Going back in time to increase your wealth makes Biff a wealthy asshole, and ultimately gets you sent to the Old West.

No thanks.



Jacking with Space-Time always ends badly.


MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:I've seen Back to the Future 2. Going back in time to increase your wealth makes Biff a wealthy asshole, and ultimately gets you sent to the Old West.

No thanks.

I'll give you $20 to stop filling my head with doubts.



Zillah wrote:Jacking with Space-Time always ends badly.

It's what killed Einstein.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:I've seen Back to the Future 2. Going back in time to increase your wealth makes Biff a wealthy asshole, and ultimately gets you sent to the Old West.

No thanks.

Wasn't Bliff already an asshole?



Metalzoic wrote:
Zillah wrote:Jacking with Space-Time always ends badly.

It's what killed Einstein.

Hahaha! I bet he'll come back in a time machine from the future and save himself.



Ars Diaboli wrote:
MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:I've seen Back to the Future 2. Going back in time to increase your wealth makes Biff a wealthy asshole, and ultimately gets you sent to the Old West.

No thanks.

Wasn't Bliff already an asshole?

Yeah, but add Wealth and, BAM!!.....



3rd grade. I've screwed up a lot.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I don't think I would. There are things that I wish sometimes I'd done differently, but I'm happy where I'm at and I think if I changed them my life would be completely differently.

I'd like to live some parts of life over again, and do them the same though, haha!



the only thing i'd change would be, not doing the project car that i did in 2007-2008. what a waste of $10k.

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