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Halo Reach Firefight!!

4 posters

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1Halo Reach Firefight!! Empty Halo Reach Firefight!! 2011-05-17, 10:22



Terry and I played the other night and i was quite suprised at how much i enjoyed playing this game again.

Granted i'm not huge on the MP aspect of the game but firefight was a good time!!

COUGH COUGH DL/mills or whoever else.

2Halo Reach Firefight!! Empty Re: Halo Reach Firefight!! 2011-05-17, 10:35



I like firefight. I played with my Brother in law about a month ago. Just don;t have much time to be online at the moment. I think the wife has apointments though tonight so I will be on tonight I think. maybe.... i think maybe. maybe I think.......

3Halo Reach Firefight!! Empty Re: Halo Reach Firefight!! 2011-05-17, 10:41

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Yeah tater that was a real good time. We will have to do it again sometime. I've enjoyed Halo just a little over the weekend. It might have earned a spot in the regular rotation.

4Halo Reach Firefight!! Empty Re: Halo Reach Firefight!! 2011-05-17, 10:43



Lol i'm still not used to my work schedule!! i keep thinking it's weds.

I'll be online tonight if peeps wanna play sumthin. BC2/reach/blops i don't care i just wanna play with mah buddies in sum vidya gamez!!

5Halo Reach Firefight!! Empty Re: Halo Reach Firefight!! 2011-05-17, 12:57

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I haven't played any Reach in a really long time. I'd be up for playing some again sometime.

6Halo Reach Firefight!! Empty Re: Halo Reach Firefight!! 2011-05-17, 15:29

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Yeah Kalei we need to all get together and do some Halo team shit. Firefight or even some team deathmatch would be good. Just for a change of pace.

7Halo Reach Firefight!! Empty Re: Halo Reach Firefight!! 2011-05-17, 16:05

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Don't think I'd be able to do it tonight, but maybe tomorrow night. Depends on the weather. I'm supposed to help my grandparents out and mow their yard, but they are calling for rain, so not too sure yet.

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